[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
Games & Movies => Games Discussion => Arma3 & Dayz => Topic started by: [GIT]Fairy on August 09, 2015, 10:34:22 PM
So myself and a few of the lads were in the secret mil base above Balota when three fully geared lads drove in in a truck. Mayhem ensued but they were wiped out. Turns out they were GoG...
[TiG]Fairy: hey we wiped out a fully geared squad at secret mil base south of zeleo
[TiG]Fairy: was it your guys?
Dutch: when?
Dutch: and maybe!
[TiG]Fairy: about 20 mins ago
[TiG]Fairy: they were in a truck
Dutch: then yes :)
Dutch: I was in TS with them
Dutch: the idiots drove into the base!
[TiG]Fairy: yeah sorry about that :D
Dutch: haha
Dutch: no worries, we know who to put the bounty on now!
[TiG]Fairy: Keith got 2 with one shot in the lorry
Dutch: all good fun pal :)
Dutch: wow nice
[TiG]Fairy: yeah lol
[TiG]Fairy: dont worry I did nothign bar fall off the roof of the tec building
[TiG]Fairy: lol
[TiG]Fairy: in the panic
Dutch: haha sounds like my kind of contribution
Dutch: always doing stuff like that
Sounds like something that normally happens to us. What tipped you off they were GoG? You checked the bodies or something?
Thought the way the had rolled in that it was them, asked Dutch on Steam then and he confirmed. They have a price on our heads it would seem.
and let the games begin lol
Aye will be on tonight at some stage.
Keith "came in like a wrecking ball" lol