Our map choice is Gulf of Oman for old times (demo *cough) sake

Just a few things to clarify -
We would prefer global unlocks seeing as it is a friendly match but that is ultimately your call seeing as we will be playing on your server
I assume that there will be a team rotation after each round - 2 rounds on each map with a 5 minute warmup before going live then 20 minute time limit
Attacking uncappables should be allowed but no uncappeable camping
You may have to raise minimum ping on the server to 300'ish, we are a global clan with members from as far a way as Korea :shock: but it has never been a problem in the past
We have a full team ready with standbys and i hope you guys are ready
Now all i need is an IP address (i'd like to join the server just to make sure to make sure there are no ping or connection issues) and password something like tigbf2
Cant wait