[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
Information and Help => Complaints => Topic started by: pucan on November 12, 2005, 03:07:28 AM
not a complaint,
playing on the TiG 64 server about an hour ago. [TiG]d22ontour was hammering the crap out an enemy flag from the Mi-28 so i decided to parachute in to secure it, at which point i saw the chopper coming towards me. i managed to steer me chute out of the way, but d22ontour opened the drivers door and got me. i've never been knocked down while 40 foot up in the air before. interesting experience. while i was being hurled to one side i got a good look at his tax disk and it was out of date.
Do you think d22ontour should fit indicators to his chopper?
ive killed a few parachutists with choppers and jets in my time, key word being killed - some of em might have uncles in the gardai
The only thing i seem to be able to hammer the crap out of in a heli is the trees/buildings/immovable objects. :cry:
Are you sure it was me in the heli ? :lol:
My tax discs are always out of date as it's custom for dubs. :wink:
All those Crashes ...Youve lost your no claims bonus too :wink:
good games last nite :P
Is clear... d22 playing to much with n00bs :lol: ;)
yeah i sure it was you.
i say you yapping on your mobile.
Weird any time a jet has hit me when i've bailed and been parachuting, the plane has exploded & I have lived :) - nothing bates that superman feeling..