[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
Information and Help => Complaints => Topic started by: MOTHERGOOSE555 on July 15, 2005, 01:50:28 PM
some of you may know me as MEDIC!!!
I am a freind of Shadow, and have been to your LAN up North and have played with u at Darkside.
Me and my Sligo MERCS crew play on your server whenver we get the chance, and why not. It's well run and we all know your names.
Anyway, there seems to be an unfortunate habit of alway kicking me when TIG players join, that's cool, i'm not a tig player, but we have noticed that i seem to get kicked mor often than anyone else, quite a lot more actually, in fact enough to make all of us wonder WTF is going on? (in a mildly perplexed tone)
As in, it seems to happen way too much to seem like a random event. as in I get kicked a lot, but no-one else i play with ever seems to get kicked?
Do you choose who you kick?
Have I offended thee?
have i not always carried out my soldiering duties satisfactorily?
Have i not always laid my life down for a TIG soldier, knowing that my death was not in vain?
point being, could you kick someone else for a change, I'm kind of family, ~( in a, twice removed, emigrated to Australia years ago, your Gran remembers me, occaisonly when she's lucid, kind of way)
I beseech thee oh MIGHTY TIG.
Kick some other poor Fvcker.
we kick people without a clan tag and at the bottom of the scoreboard.
best bet is to get higher up in the scoreboard (shows us youve been playing in the game longer).
omg, It's 'ROGUE'! Now that I know who you are m8, I'm kicking you more often from now on tbh...
/me titters. Tis not intentional.
Aye The Set Rules for Kicking is the player with the lowest score
I've only ever used the kicker once, and kicked 3 players who had minus scores...
Was kicked today to make room for TIG, pain in the arse, but I have to say it's the fairest way of doing it, one thing though, the message just says that you're being kicked to make way for TIG member(s), would it not be an idea to stick in a message you're being kicked as the lowest scoring player? At least people would know why they were picked out of 32 people...
That be Pongo making a balls of his log in...
We only kick certain people because we hold personal grudges, dislike silly names and are racist.
And we hate the name PONGO.
Savvy? :wink:
.....least you're honest I suppose.... :D
yeah well, :(
yaboo sucks etc, bah humbug. :(
must be shadow. :twisted:
strange you say that, lowest score thing, because i always seem to be in the top half of the leaderboard....... :roll:
not that it's a prob. :P
in reply to non TIG member who posted. I didn't ask you. get your own post. This is mine. 8) :twisted:
In reply to Locutus:
:shock: you chopper whoring cok muncher. :shock:
in reply to everyone, you once asked if i could join TIG, don't suppose I could become an affiliate member or soming similar??? Like a groupie? :D
well anyway, GTG
I used to think you were cool man *shakes head*
i'm only joking, sorry if i offended you, it was meant as a humorous insult, in jest, with no harm intended. :oops: :(
you are pretty lethal in a cobra, as i found out at great expense at KUBRA DAM. :x
Those strafing runs of yours are inexplicably difficult to defend against. 'chopper whoring co** muncher' :twisted: :evil: :P :twisted: :evil: :x :odlums: :wink: :cry: :lol: :shock: :twisted:
are merely off the cuff comments when i get nailed more often than i think is reasonable. Honestly, it's hilarious when you hear say it out loud. honest.
no really. reallt really. serioulsy.
Accept this humble and heartfelt apology.
:salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:
oh mighty Locutus, i salute thee as an honourable opponent.
i guess that apology might mean more if i spelled your name correctly! :oops:
Hmmm the language use here and over use of smilies is making me think that this could be someone from our past back.
/me reaches for ban button
i can't win.
looook no smilies
That valen person seems a nasty one, ban him. :P
apoligise also for derogatory language.
men aren't sexual objects that need be degraded in such an obscene manner.
Thankyou oh Powerful FAiry, for your stern admonishment
Put The Sugar Cubes Down And Step Away From The Pc!!!
stepping away.
You're a bit mad in the head aren't you?! :D
i refuse to be labelled as mad, by a man named 'pongo'