[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community

Information and Help => Complaints => Topic started by: Nick_Nack on October 05, 2005, 09:06:11 PM

Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: Nick_Nack on October 05, 2005, 09:06:11 PM
i was banned from the fuking ts server by luctus he sayed i was nosiy my mic wasnt even pluged in ffs i demand to be able to be aloud in there gain
Title: Re: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: [TiG]MindPhuck on October 05, 2005, 09:24:41 PM
Quote from: Nick_Nack
i was banned from the fuking ts server by luctus he sayed i was nosiy my mic wasnt even pluged in ffs i demand to be able to be aloud in there gain

firstly - don't ever come on here and demand anything, using fowl language and having that attitude.  who do you think you are in fairness?  before you even start your already on the back foot. well played, nice way of getting our attention and sympathy.

secondly - speaking of attention, you posted some rather disturbing pictures on our forums the other day, that really shows your level of maturity and sadism.  For that alone you ear marked yourself as the type of person you are and one we would rather avoid.

lastly - we got a complaint from other TS users that you were being extreamly noisey.  We joined TS, heard lots of noise (a bit like your post) and you were booted for being distruptive.  

Our TS servers are available to clan members and to friends of the clan.  You come on here and Demand retribution.  Friends don't demand anything and by that virtue and by your own actions, pretty much rules you out of any idea of friendship.  

in fact, WE demand an apology for your behaviour if you intend to use our forums, our TS servers and for that matter, our game servers.  

have a nice one dude.
Title: well
Post by: Nick_Nack on October 05, 2005, 11:34:13 PM
well i dont like wen im wrongly kicked /banned for sumthing i didnt do "noisy" i wasnt even talking in fact cos i was playing steam games adn wen i enter a server in steam games ( garrys mod ) my microfone is muted atuamatilcy .

second why do u think that picture i posted was disturbing just go to the topic in drunken rambling adn look at them 2 fat poeple is taht suposssed to me mature adn not diturbing or the fecking guy with the gaint dick yes i know its a joke but its still disturbing adn not mature so i was like ok if tahts ok i can post that picture which i posted  adn is problary more mature then any of them pictures cos it goes to show how realisic war reallys is.

i was goin to post it as a anti-bunny hopping scheme but u deleted it so i knew u didnt like it.

but i was only so angry in the first place is cos i got banned by luctus fo no reasooen and i might not be your friend or luctus cos i dont know u so that rules out taht answer.

im frineds with most of the SOUND tig members like valen,shano,cryhavoc,makman,adn rugrats (i hope)it kinda hard to make frineds with ye wen u ye are all in TATICAL room.

for beeing noisy is no bloody reason to banned sumonetake for insintis there last tuesday me ahd loads of other tig memberwere in ts and sum people  ccame in and  made noises adn we all just messed  with them by kicking them oooo but banning was never in are minds.

 but if thats the way u think all do respect it kinda stupid and WTF is "WE" none of "WE" know me so it kinda hard to judge me just by wat pictures i post adn frankly i dont care wat u think of me.

there is just one thing i HATE adn this is been wrongly accused of sumthing i didnt do adn if i did do it i like to be treated with a fair adn honest punishment un like yours which was wrong.

if u dont like me just tell me to FUCK OFF but i rather if u set up a poll or sum sort of vote on my presents to stay or leave but any way i ahve to go to bed so bye bye adn hope u ahve a good night.

Title: g
Post by: Nick_Nack on October 05, 2005, 11:35:13 PM
Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: [GiT] Karma on October 05, 2005, 11:37:03 PM
chill a-rooo m8
Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: [TiG]Chunks on October 05, 2005, 11:41:35 PM
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha......someone pick his toys up for him!

What an idiot!
Title: Re: dont care
Post by: mackman17 on October 05, 2005, 11:43:44 PM
Quote from: Nick_Nack
adn i dont care about senteces cos im to lazy too put them in so dont say any thing about that cos i know u will    yes it is an eye sour

hehe i was about to say that but read ur post also splitting ur text into paragraphs helps us to read it. jsut sum friendly advice.
Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: [TiG]Pyro on October 06, 2005, 12:01:57 AM
What!! Valen has a friend ??????    :shock:   :lol:
Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: Jackabo82 on October 06, 2005, 12:04:36 AM
Yeah His Dog :p ( me holds small finger against lip)
Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: [GIT]Fairy on October 06, 2005, 07:31:20 AM
Looks like you are in teh....



Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: [TiG]MindPhuck on October 06, 2005, 07:54:37 AM
Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: [TiG]Molc on October 06, 2005, 10:08:21 AM
Firstly if you want to voice a grievance and have us treat you like an adult please try to be less condesending.
The issue at hand, constantly broadcasting noise on a channel, is ago old and has always been dealt with by kicking or channel change. It has happened to me and I'm sure to others many times, yet I've understood the reasons. It's disruptive and lessens the gaming experience for everyone involved.

Try to see the better picture and keep it civil.
Title: ...
Post by: Calibre on October 06, 2005, 11:47:43 AM
"Fowl Language"  I would find it objectionable too, nothing worse than men talking like chickens tbh

ps - and spelling like them too..
Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: [GiT]Hellrazer on October 06, 2005, 11:54:30 AM
Translation so as not to cause anyone else a headache:

Btw--even spell/grammar check had problems with this one!!!

Well, I don?t like when im wrongly kicked /banned for something I didn?t do!! "Noisy"!! I wasn?t even talking in fact because I was playing steam games and when I enter a server in steam games (Garry?s mod) my microphone is muted automatically.

Secondly: Why do you think that picture I posted was disturbing just go to the topic in drunken rambling and look at them 2 fat people. Is that supposed to me mature and not disturbing? Or the fecking guy with the giant dick??Yes I know its a joke but its still disturbing and not mature so I was like ok if that?s ok I can post that picture which I posted and is probably more mature then any of them pictures cos it goes to show how realistic war really is.

I was going to post it as an anti-bunny hopping scheme but you deleted it so I knew you didn?t like it.

But I was only so angry in the first place is because I got banned by Lucutus for no reason and I might not be your friend or Lucutus` because I don?t know you so that rules out that answer.

Im friends with most of the SOUND tig members like valen, shano, cryhavoc, makman and rugrats (I hope) It?s kind of hard to make friends with ye when u ye are all in TATICAL room.

Being noisy is no bloody reason to ban someone. Take for instance there last Tuesday me and loads of other tig member were in ts and some other people came in and made noises and we all just messed with them by kicking them ?oooohhh? but banning was never in our minds.

But if that?s the way you think all due respect! It is kind of stupid and WTF is "WE" none of "WE" know me so it kind of hard to judge me just by what pictures I post and frankly I don?t care what you think of me.

There is just one thing I HATE and this is being wrongly accused of something I didn?t do and if I did do it I like to be treated with a fair and honest punishment unlike yours which was wrong.

If you don?t like me just tell me to FUCK OFF but Id rather if you set up a poll or some sort of vote on my presence to stay or leave but any way I have to go to bed so bye bye and hope you have a good night.

Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: [TiG]Winters on October 06, 2005, 06:52:19 PM
You were banned coz your a fag.

We dont want to catch the gh3y off you.
Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: tig.bf2|JihadJoe on October 06, 2005, 07:17:29 PM
I don't know about any TS noise, cus I'm never on. But that crap with the picture is pure bullshit.
You weren't trying to point out the reality of war, you were pullin the piss out a dead man. You're topic was which body part do like? The other photos might not be that mature but at least the people in the other photos consented to them being taken.

So no, I don't like you. I don't care if you have a sick sense of humour. But when people are obviously offended, decent people would say, 'Sorry, didn't mean to offend, won't do it again'. You try and defend yourself by making a bullshit comment rather than say sorry. It doesn't say good things about your character.
Post by: CryH4voc on October 06, 2005, 07:40:13 PM
LOL im not even in TiG muhahahahaha lamer
Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: [TiG]Winters on October 06, 2005, 10:23:42 PM
Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: [TiG]Chunks on October 07, 2005, 02:32:09 PM
Quote from: [TiG]Winters
You were banned coz your a fag.

We dont want to catch the gh3y off you.

Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: [TiG]Shano on October 07, 2005, 06:31:05 PM
can some pm me the pic? i didnt c it:(
Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: [TiG]Winters on October 08, 2005, 04:28:09 AM
I would but i dont think you want a picture of yore ma.
Title: He's innocent :)
Post by: Sir. SashDaMan on November 01, 2005, 04:48:28 PM
First of all guys hello, nice community you have here!

I would like to say that he should be able to go in TS and roam about. As he is a fellow Sir. member  he has always been respective and I don't believe that he would do this. Also every body in Ireland swears from the age of 4 so... Also the front page of the forums is full of vulgar words, i,e "General Uber Shite" also "Read the Fecking Manual" so, don't accuse him of Fowl Words as he is just imitating what TiG preach.
In the Sir. TS he rarely has his mic on anyway, so...
Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: mackman17 on November 01, 2005, 04:50:19 PM
Sir. SashDaMan im pretty sure Mr nick nack Will not be coming back. Sorta Old News.
Title: WTF why ahve i been banned
Post by: [GiT] Karma on November 01, 2005, 04:50:59 PM
lol - yea ive been kicked for language on the server, I think our server guru posted recently that they will be removing that language filter.
Title: Re: He's innocent :)
Post by: [TiG]the_syco on November 01, 2005, 07:39:15 PM
Quote from: Sir. SashDaMan
First of all guys hello, nice community you have here!

Hi. True we swear the odd time, but its bad manners to come onto the clan's webpage who own the server, and start demanding to be let back in, esp as he was only a guest on the server.

If you look at the rest of the "banned" complaints, its mostly "I got banned, please let me back in". Nick Nacks post was just rude. No-one likes rudeness. I doubt if someone came onto your webpage, and rudely demanded to be unbanned, that you'd take any more than a dim view of it, tbh.
Title: Yes, what you don't see is...
Post by: Anonymous on November 01, 2005, 10:06:47 PM
He had a valid reason, also I know it's old news but anoth TiG sent me the link who is also in Sir. and so I posted. I think he was lil rude, but if those kind of words are used on your forums frequently then im sure it would be ok to use them..
If someone was banned from my site/TS then it would only happen if the guy who banned him had a good solid reason and one that was actually worth banning for. "He was noisy" is kinda childish but hey, your community do what you like, im not knocking that, but I just feel srry for him being thrown out of the only irish community in the BF2 scene.
Title: Damn...Auto-Log-In didn't work :S
Post by: Sir. SashDaMan on November 01, 2005, 10:08:38 PM
He had a valid reason, also I know it's old news but anoth TiG sent me the link who is also in Sir. and so I posted. I think he was lil rude, but if those kind of words are used on your forums frequently then im sure it would be ok to use them..
If someone was banned from my site/TS then it would only happen if the guy who banned him had a good solid reason and one that was actually worth banning for. "He was noisy" is kinda childish but hey, your community do what you like, im not knocking that, but I just feel srry for him being thrown out of the only irish community in the BF2 scene.
Title: Re: Damn...Auto-Log-In didn't work :S
Post by: [GIT]Fairy on November 01, 2005, 11:02:59 PM
Quote from: Sir. SashDaMan
....anoth TiG sent me the link who is also in Sir.


Title: No
Post by: Anonymous on November 02, 2005, 06:23:26 PM
Zonko did it was all him, honestly *Zonko gets carried on a stake towards a bonfire*