[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
Games & Movies => Games Discussion => Dayz => Topic started by: [GIT]Fairy on May 13, 2012, 12:33:44 PM
OK this looks fukin amazing, thank god for MODS!!!!
If you havent already got ARMA2 the free version will suffice, along with the Operation Arrowhead add on, ?14.99.
1. DL Arma free via steam
2. Buy and DL Operation Arrowhead
3. Go to the Arma Free folder, Copy the 'Addons' folder
4. Go to the Operation arrowhead folder.
5. Paste the Arma Free Addons folder into the Operation Arrowhead folder, merge with a possible existing Addons folder, if its in there.
6. Download all the Dayz mod files. Put them ALL in a folder called @dayz, put this folder into the Operation arrowhead folder.
7. Go to Steam, Operation Arrowhead launch properties, add this line: -mod=@dayz
8. Launch Arrowhead, you MUST select Combined Operations, game launches.
9. Confirm mod has loaded by checking the top right of Arma menu screen, should just say @dayz up there.
10. Kill Zeds.
Working on a server now...without breaking ph33r...
have any trouble getting it to download of DayZ website?
Nope got all the files there this morning. Have the Operation Arrowhead downloading now. Need to log onto steam on ph33r and install the whole game via steam though, so fingers crossed I can get that done ok.
Arma 2 free can be downloaded from http://www.arma2.com/free (http://www.arma2.com/free) as well. Its just under a gig so smaller than downloading the full game.
just finished downloading arma2 and arrowhead, got them on steam god knows how long ago and never played them.
ill sort out the dayz mod later and be on for games tonight.
Game is way over subbed at the moment to the point that it is impossible to even join a server. Also I cannot remote access ph33r, its laggy beyond belief so I cant install a server. Can try and host one here, but then doubt I will be able to play as well.
Map: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9jsj8mufqlggbm/out.jpg
OK this looks fukin amazing, thank god for MODS!!!!
If you havent already got ARMA2 the free version will suffice, along with the Operation Arrowhead add on, ?14.99.
1. DL Arma free via steam
2. Buy and DL Operation Arrowhead
3. Go to the Arma Free folder, Copy the 'Addons' folder
4. Go to the Operation arrowhead folder.
5. Paste the Arma Free Addons folder into the Operation Arrowhead folder, merge with a possible existing Addons folder, if its in there.
6. Download all the Dayz mod files. Put them ALL in a folder called @dayz, put this folder into the Operation arrowhead folder.
7. Go to Steam, Operation Arrowhead launch properties, add this line: -mod=@dayz
8. Launch Arrowhead, you MUST select Combined Operations, game launches.
9. Confirm mod has loaded by checking the top right of Arma menu screen, should just say @dayz up there.
10. Kill Zeds.
Seems the addons folder is within the Expansion (on the Steam install), so I just merged the files there.
As for getting a server, seems you have to allow the Mod team access to your server for them to allow you to use your server. Guessing it's to stop people from going from a private hacked server full of guns to a normal server?
Anyhoo's, did a filter by mission "DayZ", and joined a low ping French server. Think I killed two humans. Said sorry, and left the server :/
Totally amazing game, have never ever played anything like it before. The graphics are nothing to write home about, but the maps are huge. It took myself and Grim nearly 40 minutes last night just to be able to work out where we where and find each other....after all that we where attacked by a flood of zombies, I paniced and started firing flares at them ffs, by which time i was near death as grim was laughing so much while running away!!!!
Everyone is cautious of everyone else, there is no trust except with your team mates on ts, and playing in the dark.......
This is why developers should allow guys to mod their games, totally brilliant!!!
got the addon pack downloaded lastnite, will be on around 7, hopefully ill find yous before it gets dark lol
how did yous find each other? the stars? lol
If you have the full ARAM II can you just use OA Demo or do you need the full pack?
You can use full or free ARMA2 but you need to buy the OA add on, around ?15 sterling off steam.
Abe hope to be on around 7:30ish, maybe earlier. We can join a US server as it will be daytime then on those servers.
Seems there's been a patch. Two main things about the patch according to boardsie people;
more zombies in the server.
zombies don't spawn in buildings, but circle the buildings.
ok downloading OA, but will probably be tomorrow before it's all sorted, also have to look at a little game called Diablo III.
Worth grabbing the MOD installer also so you don't have to keep downloading, saving, extracting the mod files with every update.
Fantastic fun this evening. Myself, Grim, Abe and Jim have been able to team up. Things went well generally, but we need to move inland again to restock on ammo and supplies. Playing again at 9 tomorrow evening.
PS Abe is a bad man!!!!
i did wat i hada do for the good of the group!!!
this game is crazy lol
What did he do, give us the story!
i stepped up!!! and did wat had to be done!! am not proud of my actions but we would have all died if we hadnt of killed that guy for his goods.
a steel bolt from a cross bow at point blank range was the humane thing to do! LOL
Oh Abe, you bastard! Lol, well I got everything up and running and see you guys tonight. Are we using TS or is there an in game com that needs tp be set up?
Also you need the latest beta patch, google is your friend. Can talk you through the rest tonight.
I think we should head inland for a bit lads, get tooled up and look for a car or two if we can. Then we can do a raiding party into the main towns?
lol Abe, someone has to look out for the group...
Heh Jim and Grim took the moral high ground TBH, I egged Abe into doing it, the poor guy didnt know what was coming. However Grim and Jim where looting his body before he hit the ground. Heh moral high ground my hole!!!!
lol. I'll get it downloading, wanted to get into it since that first post on boards. Time is short atm, loving reading about ppls experiences in the meantime though:
Keep 'em coming.
Grims addiction to painkillers and morphine is worrying!!!
ive got it covered luc!
We were surrounded by Zombies, about to die. This guy appears out of nowhere and saves us. He then starts following us a bit to make it easier for all of us. Then we see he has sweet epix. We get just outside a town, he crouches and takes out binoculars to scout ahead. While crouched Abe comes up behind him and puts a bolt through his head at point blank range.
Was fucking hilarious. I wonder how long it took him to get together all that gear.
From the dayz forum re being a bandit :
Was practicing something last night with the rest of my merry men.
Basically, set up a really convoluted maze of barbed wire around the base of NE airfield (works well because it is so flat). Have about twenty or thirty rows of barbed wire forcing people into one of those bank queues all the way up to the door.
Then have a friend sit inside the control tower and play "Party" by S Club 7 through direct chat as people attempt to reach the building. You need to begin the music after they've got a little way into the maze.
Then have another friend walk out onto the control tower roof and start throwing whiskey bottles, flares, chemlights and finally frag grenades off the roof at them while playing yakety sax through DC.
Finally and lastly, have someone sitting quite a long way away with a Winchester and have them begin firing as they're half way through the maze.
It sure is enjoyable to watch, and the set up really pays off in one giant three minute self congratulatory, masturbatory panic-fest where the prize is death by whiskey bottle to the head. An extra kudos goes to the pitcher - the guy who stands at the door with a wrench (from the toolbox) and smacks the guy in the head as he opens the door.
We simply gotta start doing stuff like this. I can imagine Benny Hill music playing as we start shooting at survivors.......
Just nipped on for a few minutes today..... Two hours later, 1 murder & 33 zombies dead, I am low on blood, but alive and just east of Green Mountain pass, which is just east of the main town of Zelenogorsk. Looking forward to trying to hook up with you guys this evening. It's bloody brilliant!
The Murder took place in Drazhino, I had just slipped past some Z's into a Barn which had a bunch of Lee Enfields and ammo. I was behind a haystack with poor visibilty when I heard a shuffling noise, but with no moaning. Crap, it must be another player in the barn, but I had not loaded the Lee Enfield, so I did, I might as well have just shouted, the noise of the reload was like a bottle being smashed. The shuffling stopped, and I think I must have not moved for five of the longest minutes of my life, then the shuffling starts again, and around the haystack on the ground I see a rifle moving forward and then a body with a base ball cap. So i thought fuck it, it's taken me too long to get here, he's sneaking, can't trust him and so I shot him and dragged the body into the corner on his back and started to rifle the body. I then realised he was still bleeding, so still alive and could maybe see me. I felt really crap, because i could have bandaged him up and saved him, but I took out the makarov, went up to his face and shot him point blank in the eye. I was still thinking about him an hour later and still felling guilty. A game has never done that to me before.
Guys can we maybe try and meet up tonight at Mogilevka and move our way towards Stary Sobor? Maybe decide on an area to use as a base?
Guys can we maybe try and meet up tonight at Mogilevka and move our way towards Stary Sobor? Maybe decide on an area to use as a base?
Sounds good.
Went on for a few mins earlier. Managed to fight my way to a power station where I picked up a sweet looking AK, saw a player body on the roof so went to see if he had any decent loot, and proceeded to fall off teh roof and died, never even got to fire the AK.
I cant play on the us5 server for some reason the server client and battleye dont connect and i get kicked everytime. but ill try get myself into the same area on another server for now
We've left US5 now, not sure which server we where on last night, can any of the guys remember?
tis all the one for now, ill try stay alive and head in the direction of Mogilevka.
Should be able to join ye later... if everything works first time.
Ok made my way from Komarovo to just south/south west of Mogilevka in the forest.
All that way avoiding buildings and zombies sticking to tree lines dirt roads, just north of Ozerko theres a building with zombies outside it but i needed water and food.
So i crawl past a few zombies maken my way to the door and there's a dead body next to it, ALICE pack, revolver and Winchester with ammo, Bino's bandages, water, food
and a watch and map, fuckin hell it was tense sneaking around the zombies and back to the tree line again.
I'm not too far from Mogilevke, I will meet you guys there.
We've left US5 now, not sure which server we where on last night, can any of the guys remember?
Pretty sure it is now Dallas5.
Could someone upload "33930_install.vdf" from the main "arma 2 operation arrowhead" folder? Getting problems with Steam from this, and deleting it & letting Steam redownload it ain't working.
Got a first go of Dayz tonight, after at least 90 mins (!) of trying to get into a game, I made it into a server with the lads.
Spawned near Cherno and followed road/train tracks, found another survivor crouched on the tracks by the name of 'coyote', he wasn't moving. After a quick once over, I push onwards and then realise that coyote is following, trying to pilfer stuff from my pack! I'm not really paying him attention, if he was going to shoot me, he would have done so by now.
Listening to the lads on ts and trying to get my bearings, coyote, starts throwing flares on the ground... "bleedin' gimp... wasting his flares", I think to myself. I stop to get a handle on how to work the inventory etc and then head inland... with coyote close behind.
Out of nowhere... *BAM* I get hit with a single shot to the head. Fuck you coyote!
Get respawned and back into cherno, waggy is nearby somewhere by himself and syco and karma are having trouble with a pair of zeds, syco pulls the horde and ends it for the both of them. I find a church and announce my position to the lads... then scout all the nearby roads, only to find another survivor... I'm much more cautious this time. I get close enough to mouseover and realise... COYOTE! IT'S HIM! No hesitation... *Pop Pop* (Magnitude would be proud!), two right in the head. Announce my vengence with pride on TS...
I find waggy near the north hospital and he shows me where to get tooled up... winchester, ammo, food and drink. I'm set.
We head inland to Mogilevka to hook up with fairy, grim, boru, abe, karma and syco.
On the road in, we realise the server we're on has 0 zombies left, they've all been killed and none are respawning. Unfortunately, nothing else seems to be working either, no drops, no water refills etc. We have the run of the map, which makes it much easier to meet up, log off and spawn on another server together.
Myself and waggy arrive at Mogilevka and we're co-ordinating with the others on TS, karma and abe are on their way, grim and boru already there, we can hear another player somewhere over global ingame voice comms telling syco to calm down and don't shoot... shortly afterward we hear the torrent of abuse directed at syco for shooting... ah, classic syco!
fairy comes down to collect us... I mouseover him as he walks down the road... when he gets close enough, 'Open backpack (coyote)' is displayed onscreen and the realisation dawns on me, like so: "are all players displayed as 'coyote' on this buggy server?!" "wait... it was hardly him?" "he sat on TS and didn't say a word all that time?!" "ffs, that prick just shot me in the back of the head on my first dayz mod run..." WAW!
After resisting the temptation to shoot him in the head again, we all form up on the north east hill overlooking Mogilevka, agree to take a break, switch server and push into the village.
20 mins later, we're back on a new server and looking at wandering zeds all over the roads around our position, this is a different scene to the last server and the game properly kicks in here...
A line of us in the trees, myself, abe, boru, grim, fairy and karma, all croutch-walk slowly towards the road into Mogilevka, while waggy covers with the sniper rifle on the hill. Someone comes up with the idea that waggy should start sniping them and thin the zeds out a bit for our approach. It sounded like a good idea at the time... the shots ring out in the Mogilevka sky and zeds for miles around, free at last, with one direction and purpose, come running towards us.
After the smoke clears, boru is dead: myself, karma, abe and grim are alive...barely. fairy is on the ground unable to move, bleeding out, calling for bandages and adrenalin shots. Waggy is safe up on the hill. In fairness to him, he didn't laugh a single time at the benny hill scene that must have unfolded on his screen. After using up everyone's blood and bandages, fairy logs and rejoins, up and about again.
We decide against Mogilevka and push on towards Staroye but it's getting dark and we're out of supplies...
great to get everyone together, but it seems that everyone is playing to midnight, and poor little abe has to log off early round 11 as am not a morning person.
I no this means am goina ave to catch up so can sum1 post the groups logout town on the forums so i can get on early and make my way to the rest of the group.
or if anyone else isnt on sum nite they can keep a track of the groups position.
be on 2nite around 7
yeah, same as abe here. Let me know what town i should be close to please.
Right Im in the tree line we grouped up in last night, I was able to grab some water a revolver with ammo and a set
of bino's from 2 buildings on the edge of Mogilevka. :?:
Can someone tell me where ye are from there and I group up with ye then
check other topic by me ive made a map that we can mark our pos on.
My BB dropped as we skirted a small village to the NW, Valashe or something like that. Not sure where the lads are, but I expect to die when I relog.
ok got myself to Pusta just south east of Mogilevka, should be good to meet up tonight
Same as yourself Derm, just as we were about to advance into that village my BB died too, at the worst possible moment. Didn;t come back for about 15 mins, jumped on TS and apparently the advance did not go well, aided by our absence!
That advance was a pain. hopper was coming towards myself, grim and waggy, lined up the shot and took it. Cue 5 or 6 zeds racing towards us... panic.
grim crawls off to a house to die, I wander over with a bandage, get the the door and they start respawning on top of us.
Waggy ran away.
Great to see a game that isnt all bells and whistles generating such excitment among us tiggers. Does my heart good!!!
I'm just south of Mogilva, will be on later tonight.
That advance was a pain. hopper was coming towards myself, grim and waggy, lined up the shot and took it. Cue 5 or 6 zeds racing towards us... panic.
grim crawls off to a house to die, I wander over with a bandage, get the the door and they start respawning on top of us.
Waggy ran away.
Ran screaming like a school girl and died from loss of blood about ten minutes later.
I also raided a hospital in Electra and got about six packs of blood, so we might last a bit longer.
Logged on today at Devil's Castle, no loot anywhere. Went outside quickly, only a few Zeds about and went out past the main wall before I went running like a little girl for teh tower as more Zeds spawned. Didn't get spotted but I must have reset teh area as loot had spawned inside again. Might be why we missed being able to loot anything at the airbase.
Managed to get 3 or 4 clips of Makarov ammo as well as a spare compass if anyone needs later.
This might come in useful...
Just noticing there, the NVGoogles have best chance at spawning at the crashed heli's, always check out downed helicopters if you find one!
Pack info. like an idiot I threw away an alice pack for a czech backpack.
Backpack Slot Size
Czech Vest Pouch 6
Coyote Patrol Pack 8
Assault Pack 12
Czech Backpack 16
ALICE Pack 20
Coyote Backpack 24
I was working my way out of Pusta just north of Cheno today, got napped by a hopper and I bolted down a dirt road so i could take him out without making
enough noise to attract more. So I drop him and turn around walk about 50 meters down the track and there's a another player couching
in the bushes on the road with a scoped rifle, he spots me at the same time and we both take aim and wait to see what the other guy dose.
Im fucked here I think, Iv a Winchester and hes a scoped rifle, not sure what one. But then he shuffles to his right and stops. I shuffle to my right
and stop... the we both shuffle around each other until were both off the road, in the tree's and cant see each other. I duno about him but my heart
was in my mouth the hole time, not a word in chat just a stand-off and then run. Iv already got more fun from this game than any other fps ever.
Spawned in again there at the airfield on the south coast. I was prone on top of the control tower. Lying there minding my own business when I suddenly hear footsteps below me. Tense stand off for 10 mins, i take a step, he takes a step. I stood at the edge of the roof leaning over. Then he makes a break for it out the back door and prones in the grass, boom, his head explodes and I breath again.
Yes he may have been friendly, but its dog eat dog out there guys. I did get 6 makrov clips, hunting knife, tool box and assorted food though.
Dont you judge me Karma!
Bit of a hike but just made it back to Cherno to pick up med supplies from the hospital, about an hour down so hopfeully the same back. Might be able to help some one I shot last night ;)
Dont you judge me Karma!
Dont you judge me Karma!
Too late!!!
Bit of a hike but just made it back to Cherno to pick up med supplies from the hospital, about an hour down so hopfeully the same back. Might be able to help some one I shot last night ;)
He croaked earlier but will be good to have the blood regardless. However, this now means I'm stuck at Devil's Castle by my FUCKING SELF!!!!!
Fuckity fuck! Got loaded up with med supplies and a fucking noob arrived a pulled a swarm which got me too. Sorry Grim.
Was crawling around a village on my belly, and found a rifle with a scope on it. Think I'll kill a few zeds for the fun of it; seems all the rage.
I think we need to set a couple of small goals, like get a vehicle working. What do you think?
That would be sweet. I've seen reports of players getting choppers on teh go.
we need a tent and a safe out of the way base to horde supplies
I'm back at Cherno Hospital and kitted up with med supplies AGAIN and logged off until we arrange a rendevous point
Goto http://www.cityliferpg.com/forum/topic/32747-arma2-oa-build-92767zip/
and click "View the full article"
edited (This is a public forum waggy ;) and that was top secret info. post in my map topic its private. )
Quality session tonight. The game is a lot of hassle and waiting around but worth it for the experience.
Any joy with the tent? Am very low on blood.
Tent isn't appearing. Grim might have to be online? I logged out just north of Cherno with 6 blood bags but wont be on till tomorrow.
Ok tent is back. tents are a bit buggy, I just cooked ten steaks and put them in the tent and they vanished, also pretty sure three lee enfield clips disapeared on me too. Just keep an eye when you are using it it.
Man what a fucking game. Arse clenching moment there with myself, grim, abe and waggy. Everything was going great, waggy shot a cow to butcher it and everything went mental.
Waggy was dropped by two guys coming across the field, I dropped the two of them and we realised another 4 players where behind us. Abe was in arnie mode and got himself nailed straight away. Grim has logged as this stage but I was prone afraid to move. Suddenly seen the four players above me trying to loot abes body. I settled and using a sniper rifle nailed 2 of them before running out of ammo.
I stayed put, afraid to move in case I gave away my position until Grim got in again. With Grim in I zeroed him into the bandits positions, and I drew them to me and Grim got one. But the last bast slipped away, coming around the back of Grim and killed him.
That left me to try and sneak across the field, bam the earth in front of me exploded, so I got up and ran, Zig zagging as much as I could, server crash!!!
What an experience, totally amazing!!!
while fairy had their attention by killn few of them off i snuck down the side of the hill and came up on their left i was slightly behind the front two then seen a guy tight to a tree i opened up on him killing him then spotted another guy to the right droped to my knee to try and hide abit while trying to take shot but i ate a hail of bullets and died , honestly i thought we wer goin to own them but i didnt now their was that many lol think der was 4 in total.
When i was sneaking up my heart was going 90 really strange feeling compared to bfv an bf3 i was shittn myself
SaS clan have a server up, suggest that should be our day time home. Boards.ie server also in the works.
Will i drop a tent on the uk7 server and move to the sas one and pitch the tent there then?
Ohh shiney,
Didn't realise you guys where playing this.
Yeah totally amazing gameplay, your life really means something now. Theres actual sadness from the other players when you die.
1.5.8 Changelog. Change of tacs needed lads....
* [NEW] Server cleanup system replaced with a more agressive one
* [NEW] Inventory Interaction system (right-click on items in gear screen to bring up interactions)
* [NEW] Temperature System now implemented (effects are limited)
* [NEW] Water can be filled in ponds, all water pumps, wells, but not the sea
* [NEW] Forced disconnection saving for abort and alt+F4
* [NEW] Zombie's will investigate player deaths
* [NEW] Adrenaline rush from panicing causes greately increased hunger for a while
* [NEW] PROTIP: Use Global Chat/VOIP in populated areas
* [FIXED] Helicopter loot despawning too fast
* [FIXED] Climbing a ladder with a pistol will cause you to fall
* [FIXED] Zombies not attracted to Flares and Chemlights
* [FIXED] Panic noises going ape**** all the time
Bandits will stay till Thursday.
BUILD 1.5.8 will be soaking until I wake up for work in four hours. Screw you guys, I'm going home.
What does it mean, Zeds will investigate player deaths?
Say we had sneaked into a town and one of us fell and died, that will then draw in more zeds. With the patch you now wont be able to log out and survive, we will have to deal with the horde......
Shouldn't affect our tactic of hospital runs in Brez though. And a disconnect, should still reset aggro I hope.
Would expect that * [NEW] Forced disconnection saving for abort and alt+F4 would force a save, meaning you may well respawn back into aggro, who knows. Actually considering taking a day off to really enjoy this game. Many of you guys around on Friday?
Nay. I have today and tomorrow off.
Would expect that * [NEW] Forced disconnection saving for abort and alt+F4 would force a save, meaning you may well respawn back into aggro, who knows. Actually considering taking a day off to really enjoy this game. Many of you guys around on Friday?
I doubt that Derm, what would the point of playing the game be then? Means that if you aggro one Zed then no matter what you do ingame he will forever chase you. I think that fix is more to do with making sure you don't beat the save timer if you just got killed.
Aye prob Kev. Hospital raids continue so!
Well that's how the game is intended to work. There is no way to lose agro. I doubt disconnecting is an "intended" feature to lose it.
lol class
Tempted to get into this, been keeping my eye on if for ages.
Far too many games atm however.
If we told you there was a healer class would it help... there isn't.
Managed (broken bones) to crawl from the 3 apartment blocks we were in other day at the top of Bereizno to the hospital we raid at the bottom
of Berezino. Just my luck there's a guy on the roof there and he spots me near the shop across the road, he takes a few shots at me and misses
lucky for me I found a CZ50 with ammo beforehand, got the fucker but aggro'd a city worth of zombies.I logged inside the shop and headed out
the door to the school run (kids getting in the way of game time). Just got back on there on another server and got on the roof to help myself to
painkillers, morphine and bandages. Logged off in the forest close to the hospital. Anyone near my location, wouldn't mind handing over some med's
Tempted to get into this, been keeping my eye on if for ages.
Far too many games atm however.
Theres nothing else like this at the mo Cully!!!
Tempted to get into this, been keeping my eye on if for ages.
Far too many games atm however.
Theres nothing else like this at the mo Boru!!!
Move along nothing to see here, Fairy did not make a mistake!!!
did my post get edited??
.....I feel used
Move along nothing to see here, Fairy did not make a mistake!!!
Ah, I see Fairy still hasn't figured out the "quote (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/the_syco/fairylol.jpg)" button yet...
The sweetest kill! Just lying on the roof of the tall apartment block overlooking the shop in central Berezino. Start to hear intermittant gunfire, folks in chat start to curse a Bandit called Hal. Look at the scoreboard and he's top with 300 odd Z's to his name and god knows how many murders. Gunfire starts to get closer. Get out the Binocs and what do I see, but Bandit Hal making a slow appraoch to the shop from behind. He pulls a few Z's and decides to hi-tail it into the shop to do crowd control. I hear a few shots at the back of the shop. So I get up into crouch take out my AK carbine aim down through the plate glass and there he scuttles like a scared gerbil, finally settles down for a quick loot pick and five singles straight through the glass and he's down. Most satisfying kill so far, I'd say just hearing the glass break as the bullets came in sent his balls north for winter!!
Classic Waggy, tempted to do some Machinima with the engine? You could write a script old dear!!! Bags Karma being the guy who gets the cold and has to be put down.....
It has great potential for Machinima!
Camo Face....
http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5599 (http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5599)
Might actually put my own face in game, that should scare the Zeds!!!!
Love this bandit story...
My worst was probably my first kill, I was laid up in the tree line with a good elevated position over a small town that I forget the name of. I had dialled in the range on the CZ just in case and sat there munching and watching the new Walking Dead episode. I just checked the screen during a commercial and saw two guys prone on the road sneaking past some Zombies, I held fire to start with and over the next thirty minutes or so watched as they methodically raided everything in sight. The last building they went in I had perfect eyes on, and as one of them crawled out he stood up attracting zombies from all over. He started running for the tree line while his mate stayed in the building. I zoomed in on him wondering whether I should save his ass. The crosshairs hovered over him then the zombies then back to him and I fired. The range was off a little though and I hit him in the legs so he went down and got gang f**ked by tenish zombies.
I was in stitches!
I went back to see where his oppo was and eventually he came skulking out and compensating for the drop I hit him square in the face. I went over and looted them both but noticed they didn't have any bandages, food etc just weapons and ammo. I then checked the building and found two bandages and food laying around. I decided to head in the direction they came from and after 20 minutes my suspicions were confirmed. I found a tent with; Bloodpacks, painkillers, food, drink, machine parts a true hoard!
I theived everything leaving a couple of empty cans for a laugh if they came back for it.
They must have been pissed.
We should really mess with people you know. Would like to stock up with about 5/6 of us and sneak up to Elektro or Cherno and lay waste!!!
Its seems the patch roles back your survivor to a new one.I just jumped on to make sure it works for me after sorting the patch, spawned at the airstrip outside cherno
so I figured fuck it I'll have a look, i was never in the place before. managed to sneak up on another player who imo was up to no good sneaking around the place.
No lie lads I managed to get behind him and was close enough to reach out and touch him, so as he was couched at a building corner looking across at the shop
I emptied a clip of my pistol into his head, this is my first time killing a survivor, last 2 were bandits.He must have been looting cherno for a while.
Iv bino's, map, knife, matches, watch, the big coyote 24slot backpack and some meds with water and food.Iv logged out in the industrial area near hospital.
Im still smiling :?:
The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread
Due to the overwhelming amount of times this thread has been made, I'm making a definitive one to rule them all.
Add certain vehicle spawn locations and I'll pop them in the OP list. No hearsay please.
BAF OFFROAD spawns at Dubrovka, at the crossroad next to a fence.
UAZ spawns near NE airfield hangars and control tower.
UAZ spawns at Stary Military Camp.
UAZ spawns at International Hotel in Chern.
UAZ spawns at Green Mountain.
UAZ spawns half sunken on the edge of Black Lake SE of NEAF.
2 ATVs spawn at top of mountain dirt trail NW of NWAF.
2 ATVs spawn at Green Mountain.
A MOTORBIKE spawns outside Berezino hospital.
2 CARS spawn at the three Gorka barns,
2 CARS spawn at the gas station east of Gorka.
2 CARS spawn at the Zelenogorsk supermarket.
A HUEY spawns at NWAF north part of the runway.
A HUEY spawns at the top of ROG castle.
A HUEY spawns in the hangar at the NEAF.
A WHITE HILUX spawns beside a house near the southern barns/factory area.
A WHITE HILUX spawns in the Prigor gated/fenced-off area.
A BUS spawns immediately SW of Vybor and sits on the road.
A BUS spawns at the Polana general store.
A BUS spawns in the large barn north of Zelenogorsk.
A BUS spawns outside the apartment complexes in Berezino.
A HATCHBACK spawns in the small complex between Drakon and Elektrodzavosk.
A HATCHBACK spawns at the North West of Tulga.
A RED SEDAN spawns just south of Prigor.
2 ATVs spawn at top of mountain dirt trail NW of NWAF.
2 ATVs spawn at Green Mountain.
A MOTORBIKE spawns outside Berezino hospital.
These might be priority? Or the UAZ as it carries 6 players?
Ok that's fucked up! Logged off over 24 hours ago healthy, fed and warm in an apartment block in Brezino. Log back on and I am on the coast, shaking, bleeding, starving and thirsty. Has a rectal probing, amnesia inducing, alien abduction featrure been introduced?
happened to me as well waggy, i think fairy logged on late last night and raped us
Could'nt have been Fairy, the probe was pretty big.
I know this is sacrilege considering the thread, but did any one play Dead Island and was it any good? Basically if it goes dirt cheap in a sale is it woth a look?
Just ask Fran, he knows, oh he knows.....
Lol. Ok that scared me, no more thoughts on that subject!
This sounds fun.What do I need to get this up and running?
Arma 2 Free, Arma2 Operation Arrowhead, Dayz mod.
DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update
UPDATE : 27 MAY 2012
Affected addons:
* dayz_code 1.6
* dayz_equip 1.2.5
* dayz_weapons 1.1.2
* dayz 1.2.6
* dayz_sfx 1.1.2
Developer's Note:
* To collect firewood, you can either find it in loot piles, or go into a forest and use the hatchet (gear > Right Click). I will expand this mechanic but its enough for now.
* You get a ONE TIME OFFER to change your player gender!
* Only two types of new skins are available in this update, "Camo" and "Ghillie Suit" in addition to normal survivor
* Skins a player is wearing are NOT lootable.
* When you change skin (right click on clothing package in inventory) your old skin will appear in inventory
* If you want a players skin, you will need to make them take it off first
* [FIXED] Bodies being deleted immediately (now will stay around for 15 minutes)
* [FIXED] Player profiles sometimes corrupting and causing stuck in loading issues (error handling by engine)
* [FIXED] Temperature listed in percent and not degrees (now displayed in degrees)
* [FIXED] Loosing temperature inside vehicles (now will slowly gain or be static in vehicles)
* [FIXED] ItemPainkillers popup error (no longer happens: thanks Norbert!)
* [FIXED] Spawning in Ocean when switching models (player morphing optimized by TeeTime)
* [FIXED] Loosing gear when switching models (player morphing optimized by TeeTime)
* [FIXED] Wrong M107 is spawning on occasion (Correct one spawns)
* [FIXED] Crashed heli uber-loot not spawning (does now thanks to GhostBear!)
* [FIXED] Wire Fencing Kit caused graphical glitches (new model)
* [FIXED] Tank Trap Kit caused graphical glitches (new model)
* [FIXED] Invisible character models occuring (No longer invisible models)
* [FIXED] Panic not being activated (Your character will sometimes panic)
* [FIXED] Blood washout sometimes not being displayed (now will always wash out color depending on blood level)
* [NEW] Hatchet for chopping wood in forests
* [NEW] Wire Fencing kit model by Artyom Troshin
* [NEW] Tank Trap kit model by Artyom Troshin
* [NEW] Construction options moved to items in gear menu (right click wire fencing kit to use etc...)
* [NEW] Hospital Loot Spawn probabilities changed
* [NEW] Players can choose to be a female survivor (once only per CD-Key)
* [NEW] Heat packs for increasing temperature in an emergency
* [NEW] Bandit Skin transition for low humanity is removed
* [NEW] Players will receive an error message if the server they are on is running an incorrect HIVE version
"Camo" and "Ghillie Suit" - def be on the lookout for them!
Im liking the sound of a ghillie suit, can be a proper 1337 5n1p3rz0r then!
attack of the bush wookies!
http://youtu.be/3AQO_IEkDIg (http://youtu.be/3AQO_IEkDIg)
Small Patch out lads dayz_code_v1.6.0.1 on top of the earlier patch.
Some ideas I've posted re Dayz there :
1. As a player dies he attracts zombies, meaning in cities the PVP DM aspect gets even harder. Also as a result of this the zombies are faster and deadlier due to the food. This could force the PVP into new areas, and thus move them on again etc.
2. If you murder another player theres a chance they could change to a zombie as you loot them, again they would be strong and fast, meaning looting could be dangerous....
3. Allow dead bodies to be posed, ie so they look like live players, meaning you could use them to lure other players to their deaths.
4. Clan or group skins, though only something minor. Nothing like the excitment on TS we have had trying to work out who is who during a tense stand off or firefight.
I think DayZ needs its own forum, will sort later.
we need to learn the distance we can take zombies out without them being alerted. I dropped 7 zombies at
a chopper today with the M4A1 rifle without pulling any.
Had to make 2 shots a kill but they went down like a sack of spuds. Its also very good target practice lads,
and that we do need :)
we need to learn the distance we can take zombies out without them being alerted. I dropped 7 zombies at
a chopper today with the M4A1 rifle without pulling any.
Had to make 2 shots a kill but they went down like a sack of spuds. Its also very good target practice lads,
and that we do need :)
The answer to your questions is highlighted in bold!
There's no way a Makarov, M1911 or Winchester is going to do the same job.
The AK ACOG is great as well. I was up at the NE airfield picking off zombies one at a time from a distance.
over half way to the meet up point with an ak and 8 bloodpacks map compass knife matches watch the lot!! >_< and spot a player racen across the feild to my left i drop, he drops and we shimmy around waiting for sum1 to shoot, im shoutn down coms like a mad man to move on! lol
he throws a red smoke at me and says are u friendly i was like fuck ive 8 blood packs an a ak am mince meat here ive only 4k blood left
we agree to move on and as i track him as he gos out of range i turn to run on and landed face first into a zombie who one shots me and eats my face off,
while i was sitting screaming at the eggtimer to hurry up i noticed that i heard gun shots my wee friend he had ran back to try and save me, he killed the zombie and was tryn to patch me up but it was to late, he held me to his chest and said dont fite it just let go! as he pumped morphine into me to ease the pain of my broken bones . lol
so am back at the beach FML!
epic story abe. You had me in tears! :)
Running up hill and in a forest parallel next a road going into Mogilevka, while watching the road to my right
I spot 2 players running on the road in the same direction as myself. Soon as i get them in clear view I take
aim, shoot 2 rounds but the landed high, I adjusted my zeroing down 200m and left another round off, score'd a hit.
The guy drops, I see him face up with blood pumping out of him. The other player runs back to bandage him.
I score a head shot with the AKM at 200m. I waited for 2min before moving down to clear the bags out just
in case there's a third member of the group I never spotted. Getting the drop on players like that is a huge
rush, there never say me, or had any idea what direction I coming from. Lesson learned lads, stay off
the roads :?:
Good news grim, the tents are still there on sesuk1. Iv added some gear and taken some
Got back to the tents, killed a guy outside Vybor on the way there. Hope it was on of
the lads from lastnight. Anyway Iv taken his CZ550 so any ammo for it ye see keep it
for me please. Also his Knife, compass, bino's, watch and other equipment is in one of our
tents from anyone how needs them. :salute:
Lads I was thinking we should sort our self's out better on run's into towns and that.
When there's 2 or more going into vybor then we should have one guy grab all the food
and drink he can see and noting else, unless its something he wants like a map, watch
or ammo for a weapon he uses. The other guy pics up ammo and equipment and a third
something else or what ever he thinks is worth it, car parts maby that stuff takes up
allot of space. What ye think ?
We went into Vybor last night, changed tactics and went in slow, taking our time etc. Grim was overseeing things from a hill but headed back to tent when Tony got shot. I had taken up position in the school, great place to cover by the way, and was able to nail the guy shooting at Tony. I think the key here is scope the place out, then move in slowly with a few players always acting as look outs.
PS moving this forum to TiG private moving forward.
Gonna install this later on lads,what server are yas playing on?
most of the time were on SESUK1 but it changes alot
long walk back for me tonight... OR, we could try to get this bus going? :D
lol lasted 5 mins on my first game ever.
Must learn how to bandage myself and learn this annoying inventory system
"everybody falls the first time!"
This is for you Cully ^^^
Stick with it cully, there's more epic and tense moments in this game than any I'v played before it.
I think we all have more stories from the this game in the last 3 weeks than all the games before it.
Just remember its nothing like any other shooter
Aye ill be sticking with for sure Boru,ive watched quite a few streams and it looks amazing.
Thanks for that guide Lucutus.
you will also need this cully : http://avidblur.com/arma2/
Just remember its nothing like any other shooter
It's WoW with zombies :P
Just kidding. I seem to attract (lots of) zombies, and/or people wanting to kill me, so I've gone back to BF3.
I want and check out some of the default vehicle spawn locations later on tonight.
Anyone want volunteer to join me? Would prefer not to be wandering around on my own and from experience over the last two days, grim and waggy avenging my deaths have been the only consolation.
If there's a few people on/interested in this, we can perhaps make a couple of two man squads and cover more ground.
Should be online from 9pm onwards...
Grim, do we still have M24 ammo in your tent? i got one off a bandit outside electro
And I'd be happy to look at the spawn points luc
I put an M24 clip into one of the tents last night.
I want and check out some of the default vehicle spawn locations later on tonight.
Anyone want volunteer to join me? ....
I'll be yer huckleberry!
I'll be yer huckleberry!
Boru is a murdererer - that is all!!!
I'll be yer huckleberry!
EU32 has a pair of tents in the usual location.
Spent almost 90 minutes friday night trying to get to the tents area and the airfield where you lot hangout only to die a few hundred yards away when i switched to your server and while changing my brightness level since i went from day to night as i switched i got eaten by zombies that came out of nowhere.
Pretty pissed off as i was an hour into the same trip earlier only for my character to simply get kicked off the server and spawned back to the beach.
So i tried again yesterday,even found a tractor, drove it through the woods well away from roads until it ran out of fuel, got near Vybor and thought i was home only to get murdered there, its getting painful now lol.
never stop to do anything with your player near a building, always hide out of site in the tree's, under some bushes and always go prone!!!!
Aye ive being doing that, almost like im playing splinter cell lol , im just getting bad luck.
also press number pad enter key to go 3rd person better for viewing ahead over walls and in doors etc
also holding down alt gives u free look while running
Have to clean my pants after dropping Flyingirishman!
Was walking along between chain link fence and concrete fence at the back of the 6 hangers of NWA. Just talking to grim on TS
and I hear the sound of fly's from a dead body in the trees to my right inside the concrete fence so I just decide I'll have a look.
Walk in at an opening in the fence and there's 3 bodies to take gear from!! oh yeah! And then one turns around and looks at me!!
I shit myself and open up with my revolver, 3 rounds into flyingirishman and i turn and run out past the fence's and drop under
a tree with low branches for cover. The other 2 come out a few seconds later and stand not more than 10 to 15 meters away from
me looking down the forest for the ninja (ME :?: ) that dropped one of them. Thence few moments while they scan the forest for a
moving target and I'm just there on the ground to there right a little! I waited close to 10 min before moving away. Fuckin hell I love
this game!
Haha great story Boru, i could feel your tension.
Jaysus ive never felt such tension in a game, i cant wait to see what way this mod evolves, its fupping brilliant.
9pm or so onwards is a no go for me on TS :( little ones bedtime etc, concrete walls throughout the house and i still make too much noise :(
Surely you can listen in? If not then build a sound proof booth tbh!!!!!
Anyone else try the boards server? I keep getting a message about not having the same server side client, but I was on it
earlier today and i can join any other server I want
Got a zombie train. Kept running. Found a tractor. rode around on it. Owner wanted it back. Drove back to where I got it, beeping. Gathering the zombies. Think I crashed into one too many things, and the tractor "blew up", killing me. Poor bastard is down one tractor, and surrounded by a 20-30 zombies :D
Fuck 'em; I'm sick of crawling along for hours, only to be killed by a bandit, a fence (?) or moar zombies. Now, my objective is to get a zombie train, and lead them to survivors :mrgreen:
Syco that better not be our Tractor!!!
Gerry, you're the human equivalent of a Zombie magnet, I think your aggro range may be infinity.
Syco that better not be our Tractor!!!
Did you leave it in an open field near the beach? If so, you should have hid it better!
Gerry, you're the human equivalent of a Zombie magnet, I think your aggro range may be infinity.
Aye, so it seems. So instead of running away from it, I embrace it :P
On Boards last night I was taking pot shots at any players I seen at the NW airfield with the M107, not hitting much but scaring the fuck out of people. Checked the boards DayZ thread and one of them had this to say:
I was on the server, in the NW airfield, hearing someone firing off a .50cal sniper rifle repeatedly. So much so that I figured it must be a scritp-kiddie as rare as the weapon is, the ammo is even more rarer.
So I disconnect, reconnect hours later ...still firing off the .50cal.
Tried to get him twice but he logged both times.
Mysterious crates have appeared at the NW airfield in a very LOSTesque fashion. Boru summons me on so I cover him with the .50cal while he loots, I drop the sniper in the tents to make a run as he covers, I almost get there when all hell breaks loose and I get iced, lost all the 107 ammo! Thank fuck I dropped the gun itself in the tents to create loot space.
Anyway, I respawn at Electro, just about to run north when I see something lying on the beach, I go and Scooby-Do it and WTF!!!1 every automatic weapon under the sun in large quantities as well as fuck-tons of every kind of ammo. I'm now running north with a silenced automatic weapon, new pistol and all the ammo I can carry.
made the move into get the ammo off kevs body and was near at his body after runnng from bush to bush across the airfeild, when i hear 4 shots from a silenced weapon hitting me , i managed to take cover round the side of the control tower and was able to bandage and eat , entered the control tower closing the doors behind me and camped the doors for a while and then made my way to the top but no1 was in it,
my heart was beating like mad its so funny lol, was walking along the top of the tower without getting shot so i thought he had moved on or was just watching me i was trying to use 3rd person to see below me as i could hear sumthng, went down the side ladder and started to look the weapon creates, when i was talking to kev and jim i heard sumone drinking!! wtf!!! i sneaked my way back to kevs body and as i turned the corner that guy was looting kevs body so i emptyed a full clip into him , ( the silenced m4 takes near a whole clip to kill sum1) at very close range (or else it was lag)
got a ir scope and lazer range finder as well as satchel charges lol, its abit to risky going by urself we need 2-3 people like normal.
Lads, don't go near the crates. They have tons of weapons that aren't in the game.
http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Weapons if it's not on that list you shouldn't be able to get it and you'll probably get banned.
New patch is horrific -
* [FIXED] Wire Spools, Toolboxes, hedgehog (tank trap) kits not spawning
* [FIXED] Bodies still being deleted too quickly sometimes
* [FIXED] No backpacks or medical boxes spawning
* [FIXED] "No Speaker..." debug report spam
* [FIXED] Infected spawning too close to players (minimum 30m now)
* [FIXED] Infected not spawning inside buildings any more
* [FIXED] General Server Script Errors (big thanks to Dwarden for fixing these!)
* [FIXED] Loot/Infected spawning time delay desync'ing with server
* [NEW] Infected can't attack through walls
* [NEW] Infected can't see through objects any more
* [NEW] Infected visibility increased (but limited by LOS)
* [NEW] Infected attack range increased (but limited by LOS)
* [NEW] Infected can cause greater damage when they hit you
* [NEW] You can hide from an infected chasing you
* [NEW] Optimized server cleanup routine
* [NEW] Player body exists for five seconds after disconnect (UNCONFIRMED IF WORKING)
* [NEW] Infected see based on eye direction, not on body direction as before
* [NEW] 30Rnd_545x39_AK added to loot table
* [NEW] More infected attack animations
* [NEW] More infected feeding animations
* [NEW] Replaced monkey infected crawing run animation
* [NEW] Heartbeat when cursor on a player with very low humanity (heart beats faster the lower it is)
* [NEW] Humanity GUI indicator removed
* [NEW] New Infected and Action sound effects (more AWESOME stuff by Michael Manning)
* [NEW] Initial version of double-barreled shotgun added (by Artyom)
* [FIXED] CZ550 spawning far too often in farms
* [FIXED] Winchester decreased spawnrate (% given to double barrel shotty)
* [NEW] Recombine shotgun rounds between 2 and 8 rounds
* [NEW] Recombine 45ACP rounds between M1911 and Revolver rounds
* [FIXED] Tent placement is completely screwed (now can place anywhere except in building)
* [FIXED] Items for Eating and Drinking not removed instantly (allowed some duping)
* [NEW] DayZ: Now with additional cruelty! Spawn with only a bandage, painkillers, and a torch.
Ohh, and apparently Zeds spawn faster than you can kill them now. \o/
There's some talk there on boards about the spawn rate of zeds being off the scale:
News from Rocket
The loot and zombie spawn timer isn't working, hence the FPS issues for some people and the billions of zombies. I tried a new mechanism for this update, it works with small numbers of players but stops with large numbers.
Likely be a hotfix, not within 24 hours, but definitely within 48 hours
thinking I might not login for a couple of days!
players will be huddled in forests hiden from the zerg and trigger happy towards other players for a few days id say lol
Nah just work together lads. One guy aggro the zombies and pull them away, running, the others loot. Then when everyone is clear the player with the aggo kills the zombies. Simples!
Boards server wont be updated from what I can see till the game is fixed, however I think we are better to just get on with playing the new version, teamwork for the win!!! Now how do i get out of the church in Pustoshka, anyone?
Better to do it on boards before you update. I'm still close Derm, went on to a server last night and used flares to light a path out of the town, I'm lying on the road behind a tree just north of you.
Are Dermots instructions on the first pages still the easiest way to get this up and running?
Have Arma Free and Operation Arrowhead is downloading at the minute.
What else do I need and what else do I need to do?/
http://www.vg247.com/2012/07/09/the-day-after-dayz-dean-hall-talks-survival/ (ftp://http://www.vg247.com/2012/07/09/the-day-after-dayz-dean-hall-talks-survival/)
Talking about building underground frigging bases!!
Im surprised at just how many possible spawn points they are on this map
Are Dermots instructions on the first pages still the easiest way to get this up and running?
Have Arma Free and Operation Arrowhead is downloading at the minute.
What else do I need and what else do I need to do?/
Hey Hellrazer, the handiest way i think is using the 6 updater. It downloads of the files and put them in the right place, it also checks for updates when you turn it on which is handy as their are updates frequently
Here's the link to it
Thanks for the replies.
Next question--what server you lot use?
We play on a few, LU13, DE7 and the Boards one being the main ones
Damn think I updated too soon.Well that 6 launcher updated it for me.
Those servers you mentioned are all on 1.7.15 or something.