[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
Games & Movies => Game Support => Topic started by: [GIT]Fairy on December 31, 2012, 02:01:09 PM
I'm working on adding support for JSRS to our server. Its an amazing sounds add on that will make game play even more immersive. JSRS (http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=addons&id=1867)
Also looking at the ACRE add on for TS3 as well ACREl (http://addons.teamspeak.com/directory/plugins/miscellaneous/Advanced-Combat-Radio-Environment.html)
Will update how I get on.
Id pass on ACRE for ts tbh, I know "real" comm's will drive you mad on TS
Id pass on ACRE for ts tbh, I know "real" comm's will drive you mad on TS
Does it produce less lag than the current system? I know most people don't use the current voice thing, as the lag can be horrific!
What acre gives however is actual locational speech. Ie if I'm on your left and say something in TS you will hear it in your left ear. Also the further away I am the less you will hear!!!
With the amazing comms we ave during a base defence this should be fun lol. Now we can do the predator turn around over here lines with more effect lol
Hey guys I'm having to re-install a lot of software after factory re-setting my PC (long story). I've loaded ARMA II and ARMA OA. Is there any additional stuff I need to get onto the server?
thats all you need waggy, its a mission file not a mod or addon. :salute: