Author Topic: isp wizards!  (Read 2263 times)


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isp wizards!
« on: January 12, 2012, 05:50:44 PM »
ahoy fellow tigsters

after last nites kicking/fuss about my high ping, am going to contact my isp and ask them 2 reduce it, I done this before but it seems to ave been changed back again,

the thing is I cant remember what I asked them to do the last time this happend, so instead of me wasting time crying reduce my ping over and over while they ask me 2 check filters and plug into the mastersocket!  can someone please tell me what sort of tec talk should I be splurting at them so things move along quicker,

« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 06:38:54 PM by [TiG]ABE »


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Re: isp wizards!
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2012, 06:00:17 PM »
you won't get anywhere with first line support ppl, ask for the call to be escalated from the start, tell them you want to reduce the latency on the line, and that you *work* from home in a time sensitive online environment, maybe stock trading or something, make it up, you need to make quick decisions on millions of pounds in seconds etc...  :D

Down here, Eircom could be talked into reducing 7MB DSL 'speeds' to 3MB which often made 100ms pings to irish game servers drop to a nice 15-25ms.



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Re: isp wizards!
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2012, 07:26:56 PM »
A number of factors that you need to check :

Do you have a long telephone line from the exchange, if so you may have interleaving switched on.  Good for a steady connection to the net, but bad for gaming!

Are you using wireless, and maybe have a dodgy signal?

Are you using, and knowing Abe this is the one thats the issue, a crap ISP like Carphone Warehouse, AOL, or etc?  If so then you should really know better!  You gets what you pays for!  Get BT Infinity, enough said!