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Games & Movies => Game Support => Topic started by: [TiG]ABE on January 05, 2005, 02:46:01 PM
havent recived the new psu yet!
will this card run on my 250 watt psu i dnt no how much power the pc is usen atm.
can sum1 tell me if the card will run on this psu as i dnt want 2 uninstall the old card and be left bfv'less
card is a xfx 6600 gt and says it should be run at 300 wat min
thanks for any help
I'd lash it in Abe. Jim's worked fine on his 250w psu. If you have more than one cd/dvd drive then disconnect one of them. Also you need to connect the gfx card to the psu by way of a molex connector.
If your having troubs then someone on IRC will help.
awh ok uill take the dvd drive out as it is broke hehe :x
how about u did u get yours.
i have been in skool all day fuckn watchn the clock since my da txt me sayn it uis here.
longest day everrrrrrrr
just wack it in it will work i have had to disable cd drive aswell the only problem i havd had is lag on the bridges on HUE and at the start of a round it playes alright after that just waiting for my new power pack to come should have been here today bloody thing
k have it in and all but when i got 2 play bfv bits of the ground are see thro and the graphics arnt correct like spikes coming out of the sky and all any know?
Get the latest drivers for the card from nVidia ABE. If you're still having problems, un-install those newest drivers and install the 2nd newest set available, if you get me.
If that fails wait for your new power supply and keep your fingers crossed
k have it in and all but when i got 2 play bfv bits of the ground are see thro and the graphics arnt correct like spikes coming out of the sky and all any know?
This happens to me on the occasion...
i installed the new driver and still havent eh problems
got sum screenys
Abe use this to remove all drivers, ie old fX5200 drivers. Then download the latest drivers. Try those. If they dont work then try an older driver till you get a stable set.
PS my card was sent to Dublin in error. Its now in Belfast so should get it tomorrow.
all better changed to older driver :salute: