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Games & Movies => Game Support => Topic started by: [TiG]ABE on August 11, 2004, 10:40:53 AM

Title: new graphics cards
Post by: [TiG]ABE on August 11, 2004, 10:40:53 AM
any advice?
Title: new graphics cards
Post by: Darkireland on August 11, 2004, 07:36:23 PM
Title: new graphics cards
Post by: Brendy on August 11, 2004, 09:54:43 PM
boosted my memory like fairy said and now its flying thx m8 :D
Title: new graphics cards
Post by: [TiG]ABE on August 12, 2004, 12:13:40 PM
what the 9800pro is flyn or just ur normal card.

was thinkn of putn meself up 2 1 gb

ive a navida geforce fx 5200

is that card dark u siad calld the powercolor radeon 9800 pro
Title: new graphics cards
Post by: Kayos on August 12, 2004, 02:03:13 PM
The MSI9800Pro is a good card with the fast memory and the 9800XT core... seemingly very tweekable to get proper XT speeds out of it on OE cooling,,,
Title: new graphics cards
Post by: tig|Bosco on August 12, 2004, 04:37:31 PM
Quote from: [TiG]=ABE=
what the 9800pro is flyn or just ur normal card.

It's somewhere in between, plenty fast enough for BFV but not stupidly expensive.
Title: new graphics cards
Post by: [TiG]ABE on August 12, 2004, 05:10:31 PM
i mite just get ram so i can run my card better as they a dear. thats not the word id need a loan lol sell my sole mabey
Title: new graphics cards
Post by: [TiG]Harold Lloyd on August 12, 2004, 05:12:34 PM
I've got a 9800pro (not overclocked or flashed) and it's perfect for Vietnam at all the highest settings at 1024x768. But try and force any sort of AA or AF and it shudders around the gaff - I don't think the BFV engine is particularly great or efficient.
Title: new graphics cards
Post by: tig|Bosco on August 12, 2004, 06:58:06 PM
As far as I can make out the BFV engine is particularly crap.  After seeing on one machine with a 9800Pro what the game could look like,  I chose to upgrade the video in another (one year old) machine just to play this game properly.  All my other games were perfectly fine on the old card (a high-end Geforce 4), but the difference in BFV was so great that it meant someone playing on the good machine had a significant advantage.

You really need smoothness if you want to get headshots at close quarters, and on city maps and places like the temple on the Ho Chi Min trail the old card would chug a little even at the lowest quality settings.  Also when it comes to spotting people way off in the distance, the resolution and colour depth a good card brings to this game can make all the difference in the world.

All that, and it looks really really pretty.  Money well spent I say  :wink:
Title: new graphics cards
Post by: [TiG]Lucutus on August 12, 2004, 08:13:56 PM
I have a GF4 Ti4600

From what you say Bosco, I could be EVEN BETTER if I nabb me a new gfx card?  


Title: new graphics cards
Post by: Static on August 17, 2004, 02:04:58 AM
id say wait with getting a new vid card (get it if ya can get a sweet deal)

i have no idea what prices ya al got in ireland but the 9800is a sweet card and with most manafacturers ya got a good chance of a XT core.
the only advantages a XT core brings is usualy a heat probe and good chance of higher core clock :twisted:
if 9800pro id also go with MSI they got a good price for the card and a good default cooler.

but id say wait a while if the upgrade isnt really needed.
if the propaganda nvidia is showing is true their 6600GT wil blow the 9800 away.
only question mark is the when wil it be in the shelves and what price will it be.
mentioned US price for when it is in the shelves is 219 dollar orso. often overhere the euro price is below the Dollar price so wich would make the card cost here (netherlands) as much as the 9800pro.

to make along story short. if ya cant wait get the 9800pro ya wont be dissapointed.
if ya can wait then wait and maybe the 6600Gt wil be a good card.
(on the other hand ya cna always wait as there wil always be something beter comin out.)
Title: new graphics cards
Post by: tig|Bosco on August 17, 2004, 01:46:29 PM
There's always a better card just around the corner :)

The 9800Pro is still at the same price it was 2 months ago, so I'd wait for the next big drop before buying one.

Luc, the other card was a 64mb GF4 Ti4800SE (which I think is roughly  equivalent to a Ti4200 8X).  It may just be that BFV just needs more video memory than that to shine, but I have a feeling it was down to raw power.
Title: new graphics cards
Post by: Static on August 17, 2004, 02:57:56 PM
a 4800se should be a lil faster then a 4200 evne if its AGP8x

but yeah it needs alot of space for the textures if ya got them set at high.

also make shure that the AGP aperture size in ya bios is set right.
most people say it should be twice the amount of RAM ya got on ya vid card (it lets the videocard use this as a max amount of space from the RAM on ya mobo this makes it easier for the card)

like if ya card is 64mb aperture should be set to 128 and so on.
i got 128mb on my card and got it set to 256mb.
played around a lil at 32mb, 64mb, 128mb and 256 and i actualy noticed a small difrence. i dont know what todo when the new cards come with 512Mb on the vid card.

small rule for 9800pro is to watch out that they dont sell ya a 128bit version as its considerebly slower.