[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
Games & Movies => Game Support => Topic started by: [TiG]ABE on November 27, 2004, 02:39:39 PM
ok all of a sudden iam geting my pc stalling during bfv a total pc crash and i have 2 turn off at switch 2 restart.
my game and pc run fine and mid game i just stall.
any1 know what this could be just seems 2 be when iam runing bfv.
i havent had this problem utill a few weeks ago
Did you install any new software/drivers or make any updates?
nope just installed an older driver 4 the card 2 see if it makes any diffrance.
goina take off all the software i dnt need.
yo wintys the new post icon doesnt work as it stays white and no yellow. just 2 let u no. :salute:
Abe try to clear your cookies (tools->etc), may fix the new post problem.
I take it the game is stuck (no windows errors etc)? If so on windows xp press ctrl alt del (task manager will show up in the background). It should open the process tab by default. Type bfv (so the process bfvietnam.exe is selected) and press alt+P. Normally that should exit battlefield vietnam if you can't see the taskmanager.
Don't have much ideas about the crash except reinstall(latest patch).
Does the screen just freeze up and the sound does the same?
Your pc could be overheating maybe,worth a look at i think.
the screen fresses up and sound stops.
yeah i cant even get 2 task manger. alt tab , ctrl alt del nothn works just have 2 turn offa t switch. :roll: