Thought I'd post this here and share...
I own many EA games published titles, but by far my favourite is Battlefield Vietnam.
Since the 1.1 patch for the game was released it has many bugs & drawbacks. Here are just 5 I can think of at the moment, through my frustration with the 'product':
1. Minimap flashing icons on radio commands are missing, how can I tell where my teamamtes are on the map now?
2. It crashes to desktop again at random intervals, I thought you fixed this?
3. Sometimes, I get a repeating noise through my speakers, for instance, plane goes overhead, drops napalm near to me, I hear the explosion over and over again until the map changes. This renders the game UNPLAYABLE. Perhaps some sort of workaround, an in-game console command to restart/reset the sound system?
4. The Defense of Con Thein map, included in the patch was working for a short time, however, now anytime it loads, it causes BFV.exe to GPF.
5. There appears to be multiple cheats and hacks online to allow players of your game to see through walls and see emeny positions on the minimap, thus need to be blocked. See [link to cheat0rs] under the battlefield vietnam section. Get evenbalance to sort it out within PB or take steps yourselves to prevent this.
I've paid ?60 of my money to play this game, and indeed much more on various other EA titles, joined a clan to play it with, and used to enjoy it. Ever since you released your new patch for it, the one which was meant to fix everything and delayed as it was, Battlefield Vietnam has become a chore to play.
Please address these issues without the usual "it must be your own fault" attitude, admit reponsiblility from a development 'buggy release' standpoint and either fix them or refund my money.
Thank You.
Let's see what they come back with.