As far as I can make out the BFV engine is particularly crap. After seeing on one machine with a 9800Pro what the game could look like, I chose to upgrade the video in another (one year old) machine just to play this game properly. All my other games were perfectly fine on the old card (a high-end Geforce 4), but the difference in BFV was so great that it meant someone playing on the good machine had a significant advantage.
You really need smoothness if you want to get headshots at close quarters, and on city maps and places like the temple on the Ho Chi Min trail the old card would chug a little even at the lowest quality settings. Also when it comes to spotting people way off in the distance, the resolution and colour depth a good card brings to this game can make all the difference in the world.
All that, and it looks really really pretty. Money well spent I say :wink: