[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
Games & Movies => Games Discussion => Topic started by: [TiG]Lucutus on January 24, 2009, 08:00:08 PM
Grabbing this down atm: http://www.airrivals.net/main/index
might be good...
whats everyone playing now? im sure your all gone off wow at this stage?
Also seen news of a BF3 been made on a few websites, think you'd go for some of that again?
Personally doubt I'd touch it.
BF3? Would have to take a look at how badly they've broken the winning formula...
Along a similar note, I'm uninstalling Air Rivals now...
Along a similar note, I'm uninstalling Air Rivals now...
The tea I was drinking actually came out of my nose :?:
it was that bad hah luc. lol! :ph33r:
i think EA has confirmed that they are not making "BF3"
as for me i like bfv again even if my kdr sucks atm.
Ya it think EA have destroyed the game enough that i doubt they'd be bringing out another.
I'm getting back into bfv too. Been pn playing a few nights with Fairy, Luc and Karma
Most rounds of BFV the last week or two have featured one or more TiG players in the top 3. Thats something considering we are all only playing again for a few weeks.