[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
Games & Movies => Games Discussion => Topic started by: Cully on June 22, 2010, 09:48:27 PM
Could be a cracking game for TiG.
Checkout this vid to see how it plays.
Its out 2nd July, im tempted to get it,looks like a lot of fun.
Looks pretty good i like the customization it seems to be very detailed.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jOY2t2aHB0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jOY2t2aHB0)
I like the way they don't have a level system so everyone can play with each other all the time on the same missions.
They also have in game music that other players can hear its some how linked up to lastfm and you can create custom death music that is played to the person you kill lol
I LOL ed at the end of this video :)
Another look at gameplay with commentary
A few of us have played this in Beta, and TBH I wasnt overly impressed. It feels rather clunky and would only be fun if you had 5/6 playing together.
Looks good. According to the comments, big car hits small car at speed, small car dies :D
As it's EA, I expect it will run smoothly after 24 or so patches, a year after it comes out :|
May get it for giggles, though. How did you get the beta keys? What forums were you part of? Thinking of parting with cash to gain subscriber account on next pay day. Will also throw money at random TiG person, for the server.
This is out this week! Anyone interested in giving it a try at all? Might keep us going for a few months.
might wait a week or so and then see the reviews 1st, but I think it could be alot of fun if a few of us got it we could have many lol's.
system requirements: :|
I think its about 37 euro on D2D , never got anything from them before did any of you guys?
49 yoyos on steam.
Im very tempted,seems like a lot of fun just not sure about longevity.
Read some decent reviews this morning.
Meanwhile i might check out a similar game i discovered this morning,its free btw.
Cant be bad for free. Downloading now.
free, whats the catch??
anyways grabbing it myself, this is pretty quick download link for it http://www.spawnpoint.com/PC/downloads/file/7777/4378/CrimeCraft/CrimeCraft_Latest_Full_Version# (http://www.spawnpoint.com/PC/downloads/file/7777/4378/CrimeCraft/CrimeCraft_Latest_Full_Version#)
Grabbing it with http://download.crimecraft.com/CrimeCraft_Downloader.exe
Coming down at 314kB/s (max of my connection) 3.60GB in maybe 3.5 hours or so.
From http://www.crimecraft.com/wiki/show/newcomersGuide?web=wiki
Is Crime Craft free to play? Absolutely! Sunrise City prides itself on a principal of open arms. While paying members enjoy additional citizen privileges, including a bonus to experience and loot drops, all citizens have access to the same skills and weapons.
From the link I posted I got it at 800kb/s+, took about an hour.
From the link I posted I got it at 800kb/s+, took about an hour.
Nice connection. Only have a 3meg atm, but do get rather nice pings with it. Will be getting an upgrade to 8meg in a while, but until then, slow download speeds.
Downloaded and installed , patching now.
Might get on laters for a game.
Have been playing the single player missions for a bit, to get better guns. Game went offline, so not playing it now :(
Seems to play multiplayer, you need to be part of a team. No team, so no multiplayer fun yet.
is it any good?
3page review of APB
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/apb-review?page=1 (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/apb-review?page=1)
seems the driving is not great and camping is the way forward in this game
I rarely trust eurogamers reviews and especially your man Fahey.
Ive yet to agree with any review of his.
Having said that the reviews are a bit mixed with most saying the game has huge potential but needs a lot of work.
Im more or less sitting on the fence with this one, im just not fully convinced yet and i refuse to spend more cash on another game that i may not bother to play.
good god cully your still alive!!!
Playing the single player of CrimeCraft to get funds to buy better weapons. There are small "co-op" levels where you plus other go around killing AI to get money, and also complete side missions. It's not bad. You need a group to play in the bigger missions, though.
game over lol
http://business.scotsman.com/business/Game-over-Has-the-collapse.6487639.jp (http://business.scotsman.com/business/Game-over-Has-the-collapse.6487639.jp)
I got a 7 hour pass last week from a guy on boards and the game servers are still packed.
I played my last hour yesterday afternoon and the streets were full of players.
Having said that i saw enough of the game to not wish to pay a sub for it.
It was fun but repetitive.
Played a few hours of the beta, and though the 'cops v robbers' is a great concept, some other factors were dealbreakers for me, I'm sure they've been detailed somewhere else on the internet by others. Overall, the game world they created just didn't seem compelling enough spend time paying for.
It was just like GTA SA with a bit of polish.