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Games & Movies => Games Discussion => Topic started by: [GIT]Fairy on December 24, 2004, 02:03:14 AM

Title: Americas Army
Post by: [GIT]Fairy on December 24, 2004, 02:03:14 AM
Anyone played this. Downloading it to give it a try after xmas.

Title: Americas Army
Post by: Alegis on December 24, 2004, 02:15:07 AM
I have, I didn't really like it. But then again i'm not really interested in "wait your turn!" gametypes where you die by 1 bullet or a grenade shot from 10m away.
There was a medic tutorial in it that took me an hour...just so i could stop the bleeding from other players *sigh*. But if you don't mind them gametypes you'll like it
Title: Americas Army
Post by: Yrkoon on December 24, 2004, 02:36:04 AM
i hated that game it aint a patch on the bf series :)
sfc2 has more strategy and pwns it :P
Title: Americas Army
Post by: tig.alanc on December 24, 2004, 08:42:11 AM
What Alegis said, it's a pretty good game I just couldn't be arsed doing the tutorial things.
Title: Americas Army
Post by: Alegis on December 24, 2004, 09:07:42 AM
Well wasn't really a tutorial but an EXAM. You had to listen for an hour to some animated guy rambling about medical procedures while showing slides. *sigh*
Title: Americas Army
Post by: tig.alanc on December 24, 2004, 09:09:14 AM
I find the 'exams' pretty buggy aswell. I recall completing one and it not registering, so I had to do it all again.
Title: Americas Army
Post by: Othnark on December 24, 2004, 04:40:47 PM
For me the exams werent a problem, you just download the answers, set your computer to play the stupid animation for half an hour and go do something, return and take the test.

But the bitch of it is the game is pure, filtered, shit. Its nice to have a realistic game, but not to the point of boredom. I either end up playing so carefully so as not to die that it was no fun, or  get a little sloppy and die and have to sit and stare at my corpse for the next 5 minutes. Yes, most servers I played on did not even enable the team follow camera after your dead....
Title: Americas Army
Post by: [GIT]Fairy on December 25, 2004, 07:57:42 PM
I shall delete it then.

Title: Americas Army
Post by: [TiG]Suppafly on December 28, 2004, 05:56:11 AM
yes it sucks. Its sucks alot. They this honour point system thing aswell and u can't join some servers until u have a certain amount of honour points, and the exam things are well ghey!! i uninstalled it very soon after installing it.
Title: Americas Army
Post by: [TiG]ABE on December 28, 2004, 10:31:54 AM
guess they tryed to keep the noobs and the hardcore players away from each other and let them play with other people of there on skill pritty good idea me thinks.
Title: Americas Army
Post by: tig.alanc on December 28, 2004, 12:12:02 PM
It's not a bad idea as I come to think of it, there's nothing as bad as noobs tbh.
Title: Americas Army
Post by: Cakk on December 30, 2004, 04:55:59 PM
Posting like this since the forum's are kinda down but you can still get on it, via the links on the left of the main page

I personally like AA sometimes, when I'm bored..
But I still prefer BFV, COD, CSS and MOH over it easily...
Title: Americas Army
Post by: SnazzBot on October 25, 2005, 12:44:14 PM
I felt that it was very buggy but most of all it did not seem like it was made go people could have fun from all around the world but as a big add for the Americas Army. :x
Title: Americas Army
Post by: Anonymous on November 01, 2005, 04:28:57 PM
Quote from: SnazzBot
I felt that it was very buggy but most of all it did not seem like it was made go people could have fun from all around the world but as a big add for the Americas Army. :x

I wholley concour!