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Games & Movies => Games Discussion => Topic started by: Cully on September 28, 2010, 11:08:15 AM

Title: Any interest in MOH?
Post by: Cully on September 28, 2010, 11:08:15 AM
While the beta was nothing special i enjoyed it in parts and did see potential.
Apparently they have improved it a lot since, another open beta from the 4th of Oct.
Ill be checking the beta out for sure to see how its coming along.
Title: Re: Any interest in MOH?
Post by: [GIT]Fairy on September 28, 2010, 11:35:33 AM
Thought the first beta was crap Cully.  Will give the new one a try, however have lost all faith in Dice at this stage.  CODBO looks much better.
Title: Re: Any interest in MOH?
Post by: [TiG]Lucutus on September 28, 2010, 07:39:49 PM
I bought it, so I'll try it again, I heard that they somehow improved the gameplay and it's supposedly pretty decent now, that could be just bs rumours though, only one way to find out...
Title: Re: Any interest in MOH?
Post by: [TiG]Suppafly on October 20, 2010, 10:08:17 PM
ya I might give it a try. i reckon i'll only play the player though. might be something to fill in the time while wait for cod:bo to be released
Title: Re: Any interest in MOH?
Post by: Jackabo82 on November 07, 2010, 10:15:24 PM
Was tempted to rent it out til i read the reviews,maybe later
Title: Re: Any interest in MOH?
Post by: [TiG]ABE on November 08, 2010, 04:33:36 AM
jack u rent it out ur nuffn but a rent boy anyways lol yop yop lol
Title: Re: Any interest in MOH?
Post by: [TiG]Lucutus on November 08, 2010, 10:43:06 AM
Had about an hours playtime with it, enjoyable enough... only really served to get me in the right frame of mind for COD:BO though.
Title: Re: Any interest in MOH?
Post by: Cully on November 08, 2010, 11:10:22 AM
Its a lot better since last weeks patch,they lowered damage,improves spawn points.
Much better game now, im still enjoying it.