[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
Games & Movies => Games Discussion => Topic started by: kdoo12 on May 27, 2015, 10:46:05 PM
The trailer for this looks amazing. Also it is going to be released on multiple platforms so a decent end product or alpha? Who knows but i'll give it a try!
When ur playing put up what server
I WANT THE DRAGON.......... nuff said :mrgreen:
Going to download it tonight and get on tomorrow night, roughly 9 pm. I believe when you switch servers you start all over again with crafting etc, hence your question tonster. Post whatever server you're on and i'll join you whenever I can.
I'm on official server 10.
ya im on eu server 112 level 31 south 2
any time i play i can't here a thing only 1 time when i loged in i could here any thing can any 1 help Tryed verifying your game cache and uninstalling/reinstalling
Too buggy at the mo for me. Gonna leave it a bit, plus the graphic give me a headache
any 1 wont to play im a high level an can halphave a base
Gonna give this another bash, will join the server you're talking about in previous post.
what u think
have a very nice base tell me when ur online and u can use it
I like it, but a clan is needed to make it more fun and manageable. I'll be on about 8pm tonight on TS, TS name is Keith, come talk to me then.
iam working day time can do it monday have it off