I was so impressed with the xbox version my son is playing i got it myself lastnight for PC.
Ive totally hated the series since COD4 but this game is easily the best effort since COD4 and maybe after i play more every bit as good.
Ive only played little over 2 hours of the multiplayer but so far its the best COD game in years.
PC versions runs on Treyarch dedicated servers,no BS of host leaving like you see on consoles with a player hosting.
BF3 was ruined by the silly suppression system they added, ffs the game was close to perfection on release.
BLOPS 2 has a tonne of game modes the best of which for me are Demolition, CTF, HardPoint and Domination.
Would love a few more TiG to get the game, i hear clans and communities will be able to rent servers in the new year?
@ Boru, GW2 was fantastic as you level up but theres fuck all to do at max lvl.
Re: Torchlight 2, great game, better than DIablo 3 imo.