Ah here! Leave it ou! There's a value to 'living in the past', a lot of older games have arguably better gameplay than todays AAA titles which are more about repetitive tasks in order to collect a medal or ribbon or whatever the fuck.
In fairness to Battlefield 1942, which I presume you're refering to there Mister Cullington, it's newly released for free on Origin and still plays great. Also it's the game that a lot of us played first together around these parts on irish servers.
Every brand new game you play and like cully we see you proclaim it's awesomeness, which I like to see because it tips me off about a game I might like, "Oh, look, Cully's hooked on a new toy!".
BLOPS2 might be a good shooter, but I doubt it's the messiah of gaming, I couldn't judge it properly without a playthrough, but my gut is telling me I would still prefer the free to play Tribes:Ascend... than again, I do love Tribes.
In conclusion, you are both wrong and should join me in a game of Tribes later.... where was I going with this?