Got into this a few weeks ago. Only takes a few minutes at a time a day & usually have a match about 2200 every few days. 4 Irish divisions and think they could only manage 2 for up north. Anyhow if anyone is interested
ClickGot your signin and trainin ppl, all fake names ofc. Can arrange friendlys and a virtual league, basically copyin ur standin from current league and plottin it against others in that league in their leagues. Is a pro version ya gotta pay to get ur own friendly league set up if wanted to do that

Other than that wouldnt see any point in doin the subscription as most features available or just require a bit more effort on the free version.
*note: dont go sellin all ur team at the start and tryin to sign a loada star ones. You can only have 5 foreigners on the match squad (startin lineup & subs) at a time, but u can have a load in the full squad like.
Here's Mine btw. Who'd wanna be in the northern league, follow Derry :mrgreen: