[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
Games & Movies => Games Discussion => Topic started by: moosey on December 05, 2007, 08:28:45 PM
ITs mine :D
Lol on monday i finally got CoD4:MW for my birthday and :O i see what i am missing out on! Ive finished Veteran SP and now playing the MP and at lvl 10 i am starting to droole!. Jesus dudes i found the part ive been missing in games for soo long! I love this game!
Anyway In other news i should be returning to the gaming scene shortly after new year and so maybe ill look you guys up.
But in the meantime. If anyones having a game of CoD4:MW Multiplayer, tell me!!!!
Till then see ya arround
yeah i got this game recently too and find it pretty good alright. its really intense game play
Multiplayer is fucking excellent!
aye man awesome! lvl 30 in 12H
aye man awesome! lvl 30 in 12H
Aye. Level 10 after just under 4 hours. Love the way you can make your own class, and add your own choice of weapons to them!
aye man awesome! lvl 30 in 12H
Aye. Level 10 after just under 4 hours. Love the way you can make your own class, and add your own choice of weapons to them!
Just like WoW eh?:P
oh yeah bring wow into it ya big wow addict! god some people!
Multiplayer is fucking excellent!
Just getting into the multiplayer now - great fun. I want a red tiger camo gun.