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Games & Movies => Games Discussion => Topic started by: [GIT]Fairy on September 17, 2005, 05:32:02 PM
Hell yeah, I've got this preloading at the moment. Its a game I'd love to see other members of the clan having a go at. Maybe put a team together.
Is anyone else getting, or already paid for it?
i got hl2 as a presie off Steven the other day so maybe
check back with your review
Is it a mod for something or a seperate game ?
Id get it if it was free ... but I dont think it is free.
I remember the days when it used to be free....
About $20. ?13 quid is not bad.
Still just an annoying steam money grabbing exercise. Really disliking that company :/
Will wait till I hear the feedback.
If any of you bought HL2 Silver this will already be included.
i willl be getting DOD source its going to rule its going to be the only game atm to match bf2 but it wount beat it it willl still be a good game to by it much more realistic them bf 2 so for u people taht dont like realistc games back away from dod cos ye will hate it it not like counter strike AT ALLL adn its based in WW2 adn any way ya fairy im defo going to buy it i already have pre laoded it .
/me hands nick_nack some punctuation ;)
If any of you bought HL2 Silver this will already be included.
Thats what I'm hoping. I got CS:S for free, even though some had to pay for it, so I'm hoping the package I got will include DoD:S.
Sry im not the best at english in my class cmon i failed higher english in my junior cert wat can u expect.
Had a quick go this morning. Graphically its very rich, on par with CS:S which was to be expected. The sounds are very good with a richness thats hard to explain.
Some nice touches are the ability to switch from auto to single shot and also iron sights for some of the weapons.
Game play hasnt really changed a lot. Heavy machine guns can be deployed on ledges etc, and the rag doll physics are pretty cool.
If you havent got HL2 then never worry. If you have HL2 then get this. A clan match in this game would be awesome.
Damn it Fairy now you're tempting me - still think I'll stick with getting DOW instead this month...
DOW? A few of us have played that, I gave my copy away. DOD:S for teh win.