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Games & Movies => Games Discussion => Topic started by: [GIT]Fairy on July 20, 2014, 05:34:52 PM
Guys want to give some of the updated Dayz mods a run while Dayz SA improves (adds storage, heli crashes etc) is anyone interested? CCG, who have great wasteland servers, have loads of servers up.
They have Overpoch servers, they take the best parts of Overwatch and Epoch and combine them. They have a launcher available on their site :
http://customcombatgaming.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1605-ccg-launcher-download-and-instructions/ (http://customcombatgaming.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1605-ccg-launcher-download-and-instructions/)
Just download, set it to point at your arma2 folders, and then join one of their overpoch NAPF server. This will then update your files automatically. Do the same with the Lingor and Namalsk servers, that way you have 3 new maps to try!
Myself and Ruari will be on tomorrow night to give this a run if anyone is interested!
Set the computer to install Arma 2 before tomorrow night, lot of gigs.
Lads, It's not as simple as that, BattleEye gives an error for me and i'm sure others will have problems too. I find this step by step guide very good. Starting from scratch is the best way in my opinion.
Still in the process of downloading the maps but it seems faster to download them as torrents rather than through the launcher.
I hope this helps.
I think Dayz commander downloads and installs it auto for you thats what i used before to download the Dayz mod..
True but this is for CCG servers and mods.
CCG sorta do their own version, so better to use their downloader.
Yeah was reading up about it as its sorts out the battleeye prob,ill have to do this when not in work so give it more of my time.. :mrgreen:
Yeah i got it up and running with no issue with battle-eye just need to sort the rest of the maps out,did a test on the chernarus map worked fine found a weapon within 5mins :mrgreen:
Yeah, it's weapons galore on this mod; which surprisingly ended up with less KOS'ing on my brief experience of it last night.
Well some maps worked fine for me last night.
Today this http://prntscr.com/45864w
Have tried verifying the game cache and it says that one file is missing and will replace it. Still to be replaced after multiple attempts.
any ideas?
I tried a few servers this morning different maps shot a heli down on a wasteland server with a stinger lol have come across a few bases but have yet to see anyone on the ground yet.
you don't need CCG launcher to use there servers im using dayz launcher and you can download the maps also from it and it gives you over 1k servers to join besides the CCG ones..
you can download it from the link.