Author Topic: Dayz Update 0.47.124641  (Read 1965 times)


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Dayz Update 0.47.124641
« on: July 30, 2014, 01:48:39 PM »

Known issues:

Player can in rare circumstances enter a state in which they cannot attack and must relog

Character may temporarily enter a frozen state when throwing (resolved a few seconds)

Melee targeting is off in some situations

Players can in some circumstances experience slight desync with server

Dynamic server events are temporarily disabled

Backpacks rearrange after reconnection

Players restrained while unconscious remained restrained until reconnection (after awaking)

Persistent items & storage are disabled server side pending hot fix to stable branch



Actions: cans can be opened with SKS bayonet and sickle

Actions: added playerDrinkCan action to config

Actions: added Melee class to SurvivorBase

Animations: New default aimed animations with rifle

Animations: Player now can walk while surrender

Animations: Transitions for surrender/restrained player

Animations: Crouched zombie animation set

Animations: Reload for CZ527

Animations: Hand poses added for matchbox, Injection Vial, Hacksaw

Animations: Drinking from can

Character: New female face models

Character: New male face models

Engine: Ragdoll support for Zombies & Players

Engine: Initial implementation of navmesh for zombie pathfinding

Items: Boonie hat fishing hook storage

Items: Chemlights

Items: AK101

Items: CR 527

Items: Makarov

Items PM 73 RAK

Items: Medium Civilian Tent

Items: Paramedic clothes (jacket and pants)

Items: Military Boots now store knives

Items: Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo bandana added

Items: Untied Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo bandana added

Recipes : Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo as a bandage

Recipes: Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo bandanas can be untied and tied to mask

Server: Persistent item support (disabled for this update)

Server: Simulation changes to support increased server performance

Server: Persistent storage support (disabled for this update)

Server: Dynamic loot respawning

World: Turovo village added



Actions: Player is not able to fill a ruined canteen from well.

Actions: When player opens ruined canned food there is low amount of food left.

Actions: Player is not able to pour water from a ruined canteen.

Actions: Player can no long empty magazine attached to a weapon

Actions: No access to catch rain action during ongoing action

Actions: Fishing actions displayed while using different items than rod

Actions: Added missing part to improvised bag/backpack crafting messages in action menu

Actions: Zucchini can be force fed

Actions: Added new drink from well animation to blue well

Actions: Unable to use actions while swimming or while on ladder

Actions: Player can take Makarov into hands straight from ground

Actions: Player can take PM73 RAK into hands straight from ground

Actions: Removing item on which consume action was called, not item which was swapped to hands during consume action

Animals: Visual improvement of cow, rabbit and wildboar

Animations: Gestures related bugs fixed (Facepalm, Cut throat, Silence)

Animations: Crouch moves with bow

Animations: Prone moves with pistol

Animations: Fixed multiple issues with vaulting

Animations: Zucchini handheld position

Animations: SoundEdge(footstep sounds) set correctly for kneel run with rifle

Animations: Face-palm doesn't make the player stand up from prone anymore

Animations: Sitting tweaked(changing weapons keeps player in kneel, instead of making them stand....)

Items: Dimmed fireplace light so it not interfere with HDR

Items: tweaked shotguns dispersions and recoils

Items: tweaked pistols dispersions

Items: tweaked rifles, carbines and SMGs dispersions

Items: tweaked attachments (optics, buttstocks, handguards, compensators, bipod) dispersions

Items: Wooden sticks can be held in hands

Items: CR527 shadow glitch fixed

Items: set chemlight to last 60 minutes

Items: lowered light intensity for chemlights and flare

Items: removed buttstock as default spawned attachment for MP5

Item: Binoculars size reduced

Items: added other chemlight color material variants

Modifiers: removed vomit message from blinded modifier

Recipes: You can paint cz572 black, green and camo

Recipes: Player can't tear clothing into rags while there are things in it

Recipes: Ruined cans opening tweaked


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Re: Dayz Update 0.47.124641
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2014, 01:49:52 PM »
Now that tents are in we can really start to lay down the law!!!  Note persistent storage will be patched in later in week, so if you put a tent up don't put anything in it just yet.


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Re: Dayz Update 0.47.124641
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2014, 02:06:58 PM »
Hiding the tents and remembering where yee left them should be interesting..


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Re: Dayz Update 0.47.124641
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2014, 04:39:41 PM »
Does this mean TiG server will be going back up? :)


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Re: Dayz Update 0.47.124641
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2014, 04:54:52 PM »
If the interest is there we can bring it back up again.  Would need around 10 players to contribute.


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Re: Dayz Update 0.47.124641
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2014, 05:34:44 PM »
How much is it? I'd be happy contributing.


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Re: Dayz Update 0.47.124641
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2014, 05:50:59 PM »
How much is it? I'd be happy contributing.

about ?70 for a month for a 40 player server, ?187 for 3 months
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 05:52:45 PM by [TiG]Grim »


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Re: Dayz Update 0.47.124641
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2014, 06:00:21 PM »
I'll be glad to contribute, starting DayZ now, I've been waiting for this for months!!


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Re: Dayz Update 0.47.124641
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2014, 08:07:26 AM »
Needs one more patch imo to make persistence live etc.


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Re: Dayz Update 0.47.124641
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2014, 08:08:41 AM »
How much is it? I'd be happy contributing.

about ?70 for a month for a 40 player server, ?187 for 3 months

Villayer are doing a 40 man server for 3 months for ?159.00.  Would need 10 players contributing around ?15 each, not bad for 3 months.  I'll start the ball rolling and commit to ?15.00.


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Re: Dayz Update 0.47.124641
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2014, 02:55:12 PM »
Got offered a job today so definitely can contribute.

However, I agree with Dermot, lets wait til they fix the game a bit more. I think it does us all good to give the game a bit of a break and heroes and generals is great craic at the moment.

Depends what everyone thinks though, I'm happy either way.


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Re: Dayz Update 0.47.124641
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2014, 06:32:30 PM »
Got offered a job today.

 :mrgreen:  Funky!!


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Re: Dayz Update 0.47.124641
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2014, 08:04:01 PM »
Well lads whats happening. Been offline a good while. Started new job a few months back, not had much time to get online.

Got most of August off  :?: Expect to see me online a fair bit again .

Happy to chip in for the server too.


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Re: Dayz Update 0.47.124641
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2014, 08:21:11 PM »
good to see ya back online matey :)..... happy to chip in for a server aswell, but i agree maybe after a few more updates when the bugs are ironed out


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Re: Dayz Update 0.47.124641
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2014, 03:20:38 PM »
Latest Dev News, this game is just improving in leaps and bounds at the moment, a central city?????

Last week, DayZ version 0.47 was pushed to stable branch servers. As mentioned before, this version and its accompanying build included fairly comprehensive changes to how the DayZ server operates, as well as a good deal of gameplay mechanics adjustments and additions. Work continued this week on addressing issues within this version/build for the hot fix intended to deploy to stable branch in the early weeks of August. Currently the target for this hot fix (0.48) is regular maintenance within the second week of the month. (Wednesday, August 13th). The hot fix is intended to address issues with melee combat, container contents, global voice manipulation, some camera clipping issues, as well as what we're sure many survivors are excited for, persistent containers and items.

In addition, work continues on version 0.49 - our August update. Within this report, Peter our Lead Designer will be speaking on some of the design targets for this version - which include horticulture. (See below) Over the next few weeks we will be working with our game server provider partners to begin the final steps required for the central hive, and their respective back ends to support renting private shards of the DayZ central hive, which will enable dedicated communities to create their own private DayZ worlds.

It is important to understand what private shards entail for DayZ, and why they are different from "private hives" so well known from the Arma 2 mod.

Password protect the server

Operate a white list (using BEC)

Ban/Kick trouble makers

Define and enforce server gameplay rules (eg: DayZRP, PvE only, etc)

Can not:
Access or modify the base game configuration (amount of loot, amount of dynamic server events, vehicles (when they are implemented), etc)

Violate the naming convention declared in the hosting rules (these will be updated to reflect the new private shard capabilities)

Have access to the database itself

Operate any 3rd party ?Admin tools? aside from the approved BEC (BattlEye Extended Controls)

Access debug logs (currently these are unavailable for both user privacy, and performance)

Exceed current maximum player limits per instance (40, as of the time of the writing of this status report)

We hope that in addition to the thousands of public hive game servers, these private shards (marked by the "Private" flag in the server browser) will empower strong DayZ communities to grow and strengthen their groups. More information on Private Shards will come as we get closer to this feature going live with our game server partners.


Peter / Lead Designer

"We have recently added swine in game to expand the domestic animals present in Chernarus, and work continues on the next batch of animals. As well some other new items and weapons from our great artists were added like the new bandana, modular SMERSH vest (consisting of vest and buttpack) and the CR 527.

Apart from that we started initial work on a new big feature known as horticulture. This will serve as complement to hunting and scavenging - to provide much needed food to be able to survive in the hostile environment of Chernarus. You will be able to till your garden, plant seeds, care for said plants, harvest their crop and use some of the byproduct for crafting.

We all know that one of the most unpleasant things in DayZ right now is the melee system. Problems with melee can be divided into two separate issues - collision shapes and hit detection. Until recently the melee system was prototyped in script and it introduced a nice hit detection mechanic during the swing where a trace is cast directly from the weapon, however this solution is suffering from desync and lags in the multiplayer environment. Now the melee system is being redone within the engine itself so we will expand upon it and hopefully find the most ideal solution on how to retain hit detection during swing in game but the task will take some time.

Anyway don't worry as I have good news for all you lovers of short range weapons and the stealth approach. To bridge the gap until the new system is ready, we have turned off swing hit detection and put straightforward cursor detection in for the interim. Together with adjusted collision shapes it results in a usable melee system for our purposes. While you will not be able to block your firefighter axe swing on a wall, you will at least hit what you are aiming for and that is what counts.

I'm glad you can finally enjoy some good brawling so watch out... and see you in Chernarus folks!"


Viktor / Lead Animator

"We have successfully finished all rifle aimed moves. There is now a new animation when sprinting (Shift+W) with gun raised. This should better indicate to other players (and player itself) if the character is in lowered or raised stance. As well there is a new way of running for restrained player. The restrained players could only walk until now, but we have added faster animations so now you can use Shift+W and try to run away. We will continue on the restrained player for the next week.

At the same time we will start work on throwing since the animations in game right now are just placeholders. This will be a priority for us to replace them with proper (and nice) throwing."


Raist / Senior Programmer

"One of the difficulties dealing with huge maps populated by thousands of items, is that players literally sooner or later find it all, collect it all, and leave the streets littered with trash again and again.

In certain cases intentionally, in others, accidentally. Some items may even remain located somewhere in the woods and to never be found out by anyone, forever.

The first iteration of our cleanup system is quite simple, it adds to all player owned and dropped items a lifetime. The lifetime is observed by the server, and once the item reaches the lifetime cap, it is deleted and brand new loot can be respawned elsewhere in the map.

This affects only loot already manipulated by players, items you drop or throw on ground. Important containers like tents and the content persists (is protected from item lifetime).

Our final goal is a little bit more complex, the future system will count with item state (If item is worn or pristine (etc)) as well as probability of disappearance (meat placed on ground will probably dissolve sooner than can of soda).

Also players won't have the opportunity to observe the removal of the item itself. Once complete this system will become part of the central loot economy, dynamically tweaked on demand by data we'll get during analysis-phase.

So far? Don't wanna lose your gear? Place it inside tent!"


Mark / World Designer

"We've been busy continuing development of the north expansion. The Northwest has received some love and will continue. Two small villages west of the NW airfield are complete and will be released in the near future (Vavilovo and Sinystok). The other towns east of these are under continued development.

Work has also begun in the center large town "Severograd". Some unique content for this town is being discussed as to stand out from the other large towns.

Food stands that were implemented in newer towns are being added to most towns across the map. This will hopefully add some loot possibilities for those smaller villages where loot is rare."