[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
Games & Movies => Games Discussion => Topic started by: [TiG]Damo on August 13, 2014, 12:54:10 PM
During this weeks maintenance period, DayZ version 0.48 is being pushed to stable branch. Version 0.48 is primarily focused on addressing issues tied with global voice abuse, camera collision, item cleanup, and the introduction of persistent storage to official (DayZ dev hosted) stable branch servers. Additionally, an interim redesign of melee targeting was introduced in this version as mentioned in last weeks status report by Lead Designer Peter.
Persistent storage across all stable branch servers (including rented servers from GSPs) is targeted for version 0.49 at the end of August. The reasoning behind this tiered deployment of storage is as follows:
Persistent storage is user data. This is valuable, and we need to treat lightly when dealing with so many users data.
Increasing persistent storage server numbers by pushing this to only official hosted servers allows us to stress the system even more so than on experimental branch
This ensures that communities focused around rented servers (clans, fansites, etc) do not risk losing their stored items during this stress test
This also allows game server providers to deploy, and test their methods of protecting, and backing up persistent storage for each server in the event of server failure
That said, version 0.48 also introduces a number of changes to the loot tables, additional content in the way of clothing, animations, items, and weapons. Make sure when testing these new features and content to file your bugs at feedback.dayzgame.com
Mirek / Lead Gameplay Programmer
"This week we have been focusing on work related to the wednesday stable release, so the majority of the work is related to bugfixing and persistence. We have also moved camera clipping into internal testing, so we can tune it a little bit more, this too should make the 0.48 update. After that release, we would like to work on other server side optimizations and start the next moves into iterating object persistence. We've also started implementing different types of doors, which is significant for later barricading features and many other features like locking the doors.
Chris / Lead Artist
"This week, I've taken a trip to a new studio we've begun to work with in Thailand to provide artistic direction and training for the artists here and will be returning with a bunch of new, interesting items I'll tell you more about soon. The team back home in Prague has been very busy.
Character Art
The SMERCH vest was delivered as the first modular vest which allows the user to attach an additional, small backpack to increase carry capacity for players who like to keep a low profile. We're glad you like the idea and we hope to expand on this concept going forward. To round out the eastern-block SF look, we're working on a new 'MASKA' helmet and, finally, a balaclava! Which, hopefully, means I will stop being spammed on a daily basis with people asking for it on Twitter...
We're simultaneously working on new civilian clothing: a new green version of the medic uniform I like to call the 'Luigi', a firefighter uniform, and a new pair of gloves which you'll be able to cut the fingers off of to get that hardcore biker look.
A whole set of new signs for factories, storefronts, and cities are being made to add some additional depth to the environment. As well, we've begun improving some of the vegetation models so they don't behave so...weird at times. That will be an ongoing process which will take a while.
The next new firearm being added will probably be the Rossi R93 in 357mag.
In fact I was just notified today the art is done for it so now it goes to the designers for cfg, the animators to do their thing, and finally to the sound team. It'll be a little bit before you see it in the game since I've got a feeling animations will be a challenge to sync. We're also working towards allowing players to saw-off the mosin to make the notorious 'Obrez'.
The team is also making models for a crafted arrow and speaking of crafting, since melee weapons are getting some love, we're thinking about ideas for crafted weapons that enhance damage (think baseball bad with nails sticking out).
Ok, thats all for now. I don't want your heads to explode from the excitement.
Standup notes for the week of 11 August 2014
Cleanup system
Camera collision
Object persistence
Network optimization
Melee system redesign
Low pass audio filter support
Animation system support
Harvesting animations
Bow movement animations
Fire starting animations
Fishing animations
Two handed throwing animations
Support for simple object placement
Horticulture design prototyping
Character collision shape adjustments
Impact of advanced weather on player
Bow dispersion adjustment
Craftable weapon design prototypes
Additional animal models
Civilian airfield structures
Non lethal weapon models
Rossi R92
Craftable arrow models
Craftable weapon design prototypes
Gah we need persistence now!
Changelog Stable 0.48.124737
Player is unable to attack with any weapon in certain circumstances
Character is freezed for a few seconds after throwing item in certain angle
Several issues with melee hitting players are experiencing desync while next to each other
Random throwing of items
Ladders can't be used after hit by grenade explosion
Player is stucked in building after reconnect
Player cannot respawn properly when hes drowned
When restrained in unconscious player stays in restrained state till he reconnects
Character goes prone after using drink all action on canteen
Random police car spawning doesn't work properly. Cars are not visible, loot is there though.
Animations - Igniting fireplace
Animations - Restrained sprint (run)
Animations - Fishing (pull out, check, start)
Animations - Searching for berries, digging
Animations - Cow animation sets
Crafting - You can craft leather sack
Crafting - You can craft mosin wrap from burlap sack
Crafting - You can add grass to burlap wrap
Crafting - You can sharpen wooden sticks
Crafting - You can combine sharpened sticks and feather to create an primitive arrow
Crafting - Preparing chicken will now give you also some chicken feathers
Crafting - You can saw mosin -nagant 9130 off
Crafting - You can paint sawed -off mosin -nagant 9130
Crafting - You can tear bandana mask into rags
Crafting - You can attach and detach Smersh Backpack to Smersh Vest?
Gear - Crafted leather sack
Gear - Smersh Vest
Gear - Smersh Backpack
Gear - Sharpened Stick
Gear - Chicken Feathers
Gear - Primitive Arrow
Gear - Added lifetime and persistence parameters
Gear - Bow can now use primitive arrows
Gear - Tank helmet
Loot - Randomized police cars spawns (works but cars are not always visible - see known issues)
Loot - Some guns spawn with ammo now
Weapons - Sawed -off variant of mosin -nagant 9130
World - Sinistok village is added.
World - Vavilovo village is added.
World - New WW2 monument has been added to Severograd town.
World - Oak tree was replaced by new model.
Animations - Slow and fast move with raised Bow in crouch
Animations - Silence gesture crouch and prone polished
Actions - Tearing bandana into rags produce only one rag now
Actions - Highly increased chance for finding an apple
Actions - Slightly increased chance for finding a berry
Character - Moved position of collision shapes for standing and crouching poses with two -handed weapon
Cooking - Highly reduced chance for getting food poisoning from burnt meat
Crafting - Tracksuit pants can be mended with sewing kit
Graphics - Textures for epinephrine and fire extinguisher improved
Engine - First iteration of wall clipping fix
Gear - Gorka pants takes four slots
Loot - Heli -crashsites fixed
Loot - Loot tables changed
Loot - Rotten fruit and vegetables removed from loot spawns
Weapons - Crossbow dispersion tweaked
Weapons - CR 527 magazine cannot be repainted
Weapons - Range for all melee weapons and fists tweaked
Weapons - All melee weapons are set to use cursor for hit now
Weapons - CR 527 magazine description edited
Weapons - MP5 30Rnd magazine takes two vertical slots
Weapons - Shotguns damage
Weapons - Improvised bow dispersion tweaked
We should explore west of NW Airfield tonight.
More notes
As mentioned in last weeks status update, work continues in refining persistent storage and ironing out any potential issues related to protecting user storage, and preventing abuse of the system. DayZ version 0.48 was pushed to stable branch during last weeks maintenance with the goal of addressing global voice abuse, camera collision abuse, global item cleanup, and the deployment of the player storage to limited DayZ dev hosted servers.
As we progress towards the August milestone goal of 0.49 at the end of the month, we will continue to iterate upon the experimental branch with bug fixes and 0.49 intended features.
Additionally worth mentioning is the intended cleanup of the stable hive to coincide with persistent storage and private shards being offered globally across stable branch.
It is our intent once we have addressed the core issues with abuse of item duping, as well as resolved issues with the protection of player storage and opened game server providers rental of private shards, to wipe the stable branch clean.
This will allow us to ensure a clean start on player storage and camps, as well as remove issues such as:
Bugged ammo quantity magazines
Corrupt characters
Duplicated items and ammunition
Peter / Lead Designer
"Greetings fellow survivors! I?m pleased to see you all enjoying the latest stable update which delivers the long awaited and needed item persistency.
Here in the design team we have had a very hectic week. We?ve focused on general bugfixing and the implementation of several new features - burlap sack/grass camo for Mosin-Nagant, sawed-off version of Mosin-Nagant, big leather sack, crafted arrows and others. These of course are already in game and you are probably asking what's going on now?
We have currently extended our medical mechanics with cardiopulmonary resuscitation and they tie in nicely with the addition of the cattle prod, which can cause a player to be unconscious. One more dedicated melee weapon was added, the telescopic baton. We are also making progress also on advanced weather impact on player characters, soon you will be happy to have your raincoat packaged and to have pair of waterproof shoes.
Apart from that we focused on vehicle design. Things like how they will work, from what parts they will consist of, which vehicle models we bring in and other crucial questions were raised and answered. I'm sure everybody will be happy when vehicles hits the roads of Chernarus as we will have managed to bring nice mixture of mechanics.
I will keep you informed how vehicles comes along but meanwhile... see you in Chernarus folks!"
Standup notes for the week of 18 August 2014
Centralized loot economy
Centralized economy statistic tracking
Object persistence bugfixing
Network optimization
Melee system redesign and implementation
Inventory bugfixing
Audio system bugfixing
Completion of searching for berries
Completion of fishing animations
New restrained pose for crouched
Restrained crouch walk animations
Two handed throwing animations
Standing/Aim/Run Bow animations
Initial implementation of horticulture prototype
Adv. weather player impact design
Cattleprod & Telescoping baton configuration
Vehicle component design
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation design
General bugfixing
Balaclava models
Tree/Vegetation models
Horticulture containers
MP133 model
Improvised camouflage experimentation
Vehicle model design & discussion
The way I read this, it looks like they'll be doing character wipes for the 0.49 release to stable.