Its funny how after playing a game for a while you start to see it as basically being shit, and find so many problems with it. We played ARMA2/Wasteland/Dayz to death there for about a year and now everyone has had their fill. ARMA3 is just around the corner and looks like it really could deliver, so looking forward to that.
But why the post? Well I've played a few games of BF3 over the last few weeks and really enjoyed it. Even the ever acerbic Lucutus is on there playing looking for Level 1 salty tears. I seen the BF4 ad the other day and it really appealed to me. Seen one change there that made me think, hmmm. The medics in BF4 have a limited number of revives, no more constant medic trains!!!
Its funny that you can go back to a game after a bit of a break and really enjoy it again. Yes it has its faults, and yes BF4 is more DLC etc, but if you add up the cost and play it for 100 hours is it not bloody good value?
I had decided last weekend to not bother upgrading PC and to play an odd game on the XBOX, but a few days later I had paid out to upgrade!
The morale of the story here is that we should maybe not enjoy the company we play with, the banter and the craic, and just go with the flow?