[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
Games & Movies => Games Discussion => Topic started by: [TiG]the_syco on March 23, 2017, 03:55:36 PM
Anyone getting it on early access?
I'm never buying early access games again.
I have beta, can play some and stream if you want. Its like a more arcadey version of Arma3 Battle Royale, I think it will be pretty big.
Oops Beta is over, bought it as I can see us having a good laugh on it.
OK played some with Karma and Juw last night and its far better than I expected. Its Arma3 BR with a more arcade feel and allows you to see team mates etc. You create a squad and when you ready up you are thrown into a 96 player server automatically.
(http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/the_syco/20170325130651_1_zps4u2npbkw.jpg) (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/the_syco/media/20170325130651_1_zps4u2npbkw.jpg.html)
Seeing a lot of hype about this game is it really that good?
Its early access, though the lad behind it has big plans.
Due to lack of proper internets (tethering off work phone which I don't know the cap of), I can't game lately, however I came across this; https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/63femq/lootvehicleboat_map_shatternls_pubg_map_v02/
The map may help ye jump to a better loot location?
Also, it seems PLAYERUNKNOWN is from Kildare (https://twitter.com/battleroyalemod/status/764272953357807616).