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Games & Movies => Games Discussion => Topic started by: [GIT]Fairy on December 02, 2015, 11:45:34 AM
Any interest in getting Squad?
http://store.steampowered.com/app/393380/ (http://store.steampowered.com/app/393380/)
Basically 50 v 50 infantry very similar to Arma3 in looks. You can build emplacements etc to help defend a section. Should be around ?15 - ?20 quid.
http://joinsquad.com/about (http://joinsquad.com/about)
Jebus no interest whatsoever? Anyone still playing games? Hello?
kinda interested but enjoying Arma 3 alot, if more people show interest i'll think about picking it up.
might get it, but would wait till reviews are out!
Well it will be like ARMA3, most people wouldn't play it as its fairly hard to get into etc. This will be similar, but its an out and out shooter based on Squad play, so would suit us really well.
Deffo worth a look sounds and looks good but I am same as grim arma3 is floating the boat at the moment lol, need to get a good crew on tho
Picked this up as a more infantry based version of Arma3 cant be bad. That'll do me for games for a good while I think.
I have it down tomorrow myself 👍👍
Its very hard, harder than Arma3.
Need a few more to grab this so we can at least have a squad in any server we join. The game ramps up based on squad play, so the more you have in your squad the more kit becomes available etc etc.
im up for a bit of that Fairy. looks really good. really gritty game play.. good action and if that video has any thing to go on, its epically cinematic ... im sold. I need to get back to me roots and get off this h1z1 addiction!
edit : just saw some actual gameplay - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUSopMLhbGY
this is sooo OMGness!
Walk away from the h1z1
Need a few more and we can get a real bash at it. Game needs patience at the start though I'd say, same as Arma3.