[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
Games & Movies => Games Discussion => Topic started by: [GIT]Fairy on January 28, 2006, 03:44:41 PM
Now I dont know how good this is but I've heard its fun. Download it free from http://www.trackmanianations.com/indexUk.php#
downslurping now.
Its racing but not as you know it. Initially feel that its well good and the multiplayer should be better.
Think of the races is is82 for BF1942 but with a really nice graphical engine and thats the game.
good game this :)
Controlling cars with arrow keys is just wrong.
Erm, if yore into this, {SAS}Chef_uk also plays this, and can proberly give ye info on it. People can do multplayer on this, thus if you really like it (and have read the bit below), a "tig.tm|username" may be an idea?
Tracks that you can download and use (only for the full version, tho): http://sunrise.tm-exchange.com/main.aspx?action=tracksearch&mode=1&id=6265
Frog site, me thinks, but use babelfish, and you mat be able to find out more about it: http://www.tm-community.com/
Look up info on the protection that Trackmania uses before you install it. The 1st one is cracked, but the second one has fucked up lots of peoples 'puters, as it installs software (that ain't in the EULA) called Star Force, that is incompatible with some people's systems.
The copy protection is called "Star Force".
More info: http://www.cdmediaworld.com/hardware/cdrom/cd_protections_star_force.shtml
Syco this trackmania is a completley free version created for the e-world cup.
didn't work, download was corrupted :(
didn't work, download was corrupted :(
is there a way to change the controls?
Is there a way to change Nations, dont wanna have the song playin if i win :P
everyone should download this,cracking game with a load of us :)
more people should get this! :D
Aye played last night all. However it would be nice to have a console type controller for this. Might just have to go and get one now.
Mirrors @ http://www.filemirrors.com/search.src?file=TmNationsESWC_Setup.exe&size=278695200
Jesus that game is so much fun. Stayed upto the wee hours last night playing it instead of packing :D
SAS and FTA are into this aswell. maybe a few races are in order? :D
i Got this going today ,good craic.pity theres no irish moters ,lucky i got the old S.Africans for backup :wink:
pretty decent, not sure how to get online play working tho. Where do you signup?
online ftw.
no irish flag :(
Top feckin game. Can't stress enough for peeps to download this
Play in your own skin :) Wrote "EIRE" on the back wing thing. Only a basic jobbie, but I'm sure some of ye could do better 8)
Oh, and it gets uploaded to online, so everyone else can see it :)
After a repair reinstall of XP, I reinstalled the demo of Trackmania... only to find this:
So... if any of you notice hugh problems with your PC's since you installed the demo... its most likely due to StarForce. Just hope I won't have to do a repair reinstall of XP to get rid of it.
(http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/8904/image17zr1.jpg) (http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/8052/image23mw.jpg) (http://img481.imageshack.us/img481/7457/image30uq.jpg)
here u can download sticker ur flag and emblem
next put this in catalog(Icon and Sticker) to main catalog of TM to GameData/Painter/Stickers ;)
I like the first car mack, but the second two just look like a white car on my screen?
And before you ask, No, I can't see any yellow.
you are joking right?
yellow is all he see's. :P
lol wicked.
rofl :lol: Jally!
What from you got this 'other'car?
does any 1 else find TM relaxing?, and that after a good hour of it you do better in bf2???
Go Enter for the craic, next fri :D
Skin UPDATE :)
...in build (my favourit beer :) )
When I standing server, his name is '.pl G-Effect' and is as CZE server. On server are custom maps from this site Search Tracks - TMX (http://nations.tm-exchange.com/?action=tracksearch)
and put it in
C:\Program Files\TrackMania Nations ESWC\GameData\Tracks\Challenges\My Challenges
And then, when you load up the game, click on the "editor" option, and select the "load track" option.
Its my first track, so its a bit easy. Later tracks will be harder.
I'll check for sure syco ;)... but link is errored :(
I'll check for sure syco ;)... but link is errored :(
Fixed :)
tonight i beleive that team dignitas event is. Gotta be on #Dignitas on irc . Draw takes place at 1900 CET & Matches at 2000 CET. AFAIK just me, Mack & Luc signed up :roll: