[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
Games & Movies => Games Discussion => Topic started by: [TiG]the_syco on July 19, 2012, 06:32:41 PM
Bits that I like; 250 player servers, ability to write notes for other people, it being only $30, oh and best of all, the zeds are slower than you and can't open doors climb ladders, etc.
Should be out 2013, and was being made before DayZ. A few useful features that they saw in DayZ have been used in War-Z
So a rip off game for noobs from an original concept that Rocket took a big chance with....hope it crashes and burns!!!
Fairy this was in the pipeline before DayZ hit.
I recall reading about it last year or so on rock paper shotgun.
Why hope it fails? Surely the more good PC games for us PC gamers the better, i hope its epic.
it sounds pretty cool. I reckon i'd be up for getting this when it comes out
came out yesterday. On steam for a tenner! is anyone buying?
Boru is this you?
Not touching with a bargepole tbh, been reading some terrible reviews etc.
Wasteland is great at the moment. Oh and some more BF1942 now the furore has died down hopefully.
Boru is this you?
Nope, sounds Irish alright ill give him that
On that note, I wont be looking at WarZ at all.
Apologies Boru just i could have swore I heard one of the guys call him Boru and I noticed his accent! haha.
Fair enough, doesn't look too good judging from the videos I've seen.
thanks for saving me a tenner.
its been pulled from steam, the game seems to be a joke from what am reading.
i might give this a go!