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General Stuff => Gaming Feed News => Topic started by: [TiG]Betty on January 15, 2024, 08:00:04 PM

Title: Battle for Ashenvale January 8th Hotfixes - Max Wait Between Battles, Quest Reputation Increased
Post by: [TiG]Betty on January 15, 2024, 08:00:04 PM
Battle for Ashenvale January 8th Hotfixes - Max Wait Between Battles, Quest Reputation Increased


In their latest hotfix updates, Blizzard has revealed upcoming changes to Battle for Ashenvale, including a new max time between battles of 3 hours and an increase to the reputation gained from the weekly quest from 200 to 1000 rep.

Season of Discovery

The Battle for Ashenvale now has minimum and maximum times between battles. It will now never restart sooner than about 2 hours after its last start, and will not take longer than about 3 hours since its last start.

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Source: Battle for Ashenvale January 8th Hotfixes - Max Wait Between Battles, Quest Reputation Increased (https://www.wowhead.com/news=337066/battle-for-ashenvale-january-8th-hotfixes-max-wait-between-battles-quest)