Author Topic: December 6 Hotfixes Grizzby and Ashenvale Adjustments - Season of Discovery  (Read 1474 times)


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December 6 Hotfixes Grizzby and Ashenvale Adjustments - Season of Discovery

Blizzard has pushed additional hotfixes for Classic Season of Discovery, fixing a bug with Grizzby and listing all the changes to the Battle for Ashenvale event.

Season of Discovery

Grizzby will no longer rob you of your extra quest items.

Ashenvale PvP

The lieutenant and general NPCs in the Season of Discovery Ashenvale PvP event now have much higher health.

Generals are now immune to damage until all of their lieutenants have been defeated.

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Source: December 6 Hotfixes Grizzby and Ashenvale Adjustments - Season of Discovery