Author Topic: Free tanks for World of Tanks  (Read 4296 times)


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Free tanks for World of Tanks
« on: May 09, 2020, 01:34:02 AM »
Like tanks? Have an Amazon Prime account? Link it with a Twitch account, and get some loot in World of Tanks!
For the n00bs;
Get your hands on the M22 Locust light tank, 7 days of World of Tanks Premium, 500 Gold, 400,000 Credits, 3 Garage slots, the Ranger camo, crew skins and 4 high-tier Premium rental tanks!
...or for those who have been here for the last 75 years;
mblems, inscriptions and personal reserves for battle, crew and free XP

Also, look here for more World of Tanks loot;
Starry Night Care Package
This loot drop contains the following item(s):
A 14-day rental of the Rheinmetall Skorpion G
A 14-day rental of the Löwe
3 Days of World of Tanks Premium
An exclusive medal
A unique 2D Style: Starry Night
20 missions for x5 XP when victorious
3 Training Booklets for each nation
A set of brand-new Battle Missions
Captured King Tiger
This loot drop contains the following item(s):
Captured King Tiger Tank

Or heck, you don't like land tanks. How about floaty tanks? World of Ships also has shiny swag for the n00bs;
• St.Louis, a Tier III American cruiser that's perfect for beginners
• 5x Yamamoto Isoroku containers with great in-game bonuses, including two elements of historical Collection
• 1,000 Doubloons—Premium currency in the game