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General Stuff => Hardware News & Views => Topic started by: [TiG]ABE on April 20, 2017, 03:10:52 PM

Title: Upgrade for PU battle grounds
Post by: [TiG]ABE on April 20, 2017, 03:10:52 PM
Hey guys

I've started to run PU battle grounds
and i have to run everything on very low.

looking at my CPU it seems ok, its listed as higher than a i5

https://tinyurl.com/l8b3u3a (https://tinyurl.com/l8b3u3a)

GFX card:


official requirements is.

http://battlegrounds.gamepedia.com/System_Requirements (http://battlegrounds.gamepedia.com/System_Requirements)

I have
AMD Piledriver FX-8 Eight Core 8320 Black Edition
nvid 560ti  1gb ram
8GB ram

so it looks like an upgrade of my graphics card would do the job, any recommendations?
Title: Re: Upgrade for PU battle grounds
Post by: [TiG]Grim on April 20, 2017, 10:43:44 PM
either or tbh


Title: Re: Upgrade for PU battle grounds
Post by: [GIT]Fairy on April 21, 2017, 12:52:43 PM
CPU needs a beef up too Abe though.  i5 7600k or maybe a Ryzen, not sure how they are cutting it re gaming though they are better for video editing etc.