[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
General Stuff => Humour Me => Topic started by: [TiG]Lucutus on November 09, 2007, 10:29:17 AM
any of u's getting cod4
Aye think I'll pick it up. Looks decent.
pick it up tomorrow i hope
Have it there now, MP is good, a lot like insurgency with some bells and whistles. Single player campaign feels like you're playing through a movie like black hawk down.
hehehe clear it and unlock the ragtime cheat thing tis funny
do ye think Cod4 will beat off etqw ?
me thinks so
omfg, playing through the single player on veteran here, the nme AI just spam nades at you constantly, you spend half the time picking them up and throwing them back!
frantic paced fun.
yea defo. etqw was a flop for me far to spammy vampire every 2seconds etc
Pick this up as soon as i can,etqw is a good game,but sure im open to others :)
Ah ET:QW is a good clan game but find the pubbing a bit of a chore in it sometimes...
good game gfx are well sexy! :mrgreen:
Been playing away all nite,deffo an action packed game here!.fingers are everywhere !! I tell ya one thing ..you will die in this game !! but ya dont mind tbh as you jump straight into the thick of it all and shoot the next person ,pick shoot from the hip...you can get an extra few kills here lol . I just hope an irish scene takes off ,be nice to see ,well compared to past titles since Bf2 :) .
And sure if my Dvd drive wonders why the Et:Qw disc isnt in it ... i'll just tell him that everyone else went pro with that game *wink* :P
See ya's on the field :salute:
HAve to say, I'm really suprised by the multiplay in cod4. So much damn fun.
fun it is !! tis like killing in Memphis :D
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you bastard