Author Topic: Overclocking an AMD64 3000+  (Read 847 times)

rogue granny

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Overclocking an AMD64 3000+
« on: January 25, 2006, 01:57:29 PM »
At the moment i have a rig which consist of:

  AMD 64 3000+
  Gigabyte GA-K8N nForce3 motherboard
  Geforce 6800gt
  1.5 ram

 I have so far overclocked by graphic card via coolbit from mem 350 to 414 and core to 1.13, increase agp aperture to 512 in bios and tweaked a few other tweaks to get the best from my system for running BF2. I have recently run ntune and it is prescribing that i increase my processor from 200mhz to 400mhz. Now this is where i get stuck, as I haven?t got a clue how to do this can anyone help???


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Overclocking an AMD64 3000+
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2006, 07:01:48 PM »
Dont do it. Its really not worth your while as BF2 has major problems with any kind of overclocking. Best get yourself 2 gig of matched memory in slots 1 and 3.

Uninstall any programmes you don't use.

Defrag your harddrive.

Run a virus and spyware check.

Keep your graphics at a low res with medium settings.

Your system will now play BF2 with no effort.



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Overclocking an AMD64 3000+
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2006, 11:33:59 PM »
Fair enough, at the mo ive got my system going like that and its not having a problem from BF2 at all even with the 1.5 gigs, its just I WANT MORE POWER lol


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