I have just been kicked/banned from your server for excessive TK's. I would like to know what the criteria is for the admin kick vote.
I was playing as engineer and laying down mines at common entrances on the map we were playing (cant remember the name of the map right now). However, I agree totally that there were TK's on my behalf, however, these TK's were not "planned", for example, I cannot guarentee that some public player will have enough mentality to realize that a red skull and crossbone implies danger in the form of claymore/min/c4 from someone on their own team. If they choose to drive over or stand around when the explosion occurs, am I to be held responsible? If this were the case, then what would the point be of laying down mines for CP protection?
Anyhow, I would just like to find out if this is a temporary ban or a permanent one?