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Games & Movies => Movie Chat => Topic started by: moosey on June 10, 2007, 10:45:14 AM
hehe i just watched it last night
Its about this weird south american kid who's very good at football but his maa dont want him to. Everyone treats him bad cos he does anything his maa wants him to.
good film funny to watch
did i just imagine the last 8 years? am i still 12
I was just thinking the same thing Grim :|
lol have u been lost on an island ??
nevermind them Moosey...
funny movie, boby bo-shay! the girlfriend is hot
Moosey not aloud out of the celler much eh ?
hey ive had the DVD for years never watched it and its not the cellar. Im not allowed out of the Gaming room much. the horror
hey ive had the DVD for years never watched it and its not the cellar. Im not allowed out of the Gaming room much. the horror
Do they feed you fishheads ?
Immm the-eh WATERBOY errrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhh!
I love ma mamma very much! Now u no dat!
Next he's gona tell us he never seen HAPPY GILMORE!
Happy gilmore best film ever
lol i saw that wen i was like...............littler