The game that got into [TiG]'s blood turned 10 years old today, lots of memories and great laughs were had playing this game which kept us busy for a solid few years if am not wrong.
Between epic clan rivalries with local Irish clans who wanted abit of the infamous [TiG], many tried to beat us but all failed. To [TiG] taking on the clans of europe in the BFV open cup to place 2nd in our division. Alongside our rivalries we made some good links with other clans such as SAS and others. GOD I'm about to cry **wipes eye** this was a truly epic game and community in its day. :salute:
no sign of it getting the 1942 treatment but hey i've still got my disk.
A decade ago, the Battlefield franchise was in its cradle ? but the impact of the groundbreaking Battlefield 1942 and its expansions had been heard clearly around the world. Naturally, fans of the game was eager to see what was on the horizon. Development duties for the next Battlefield fell upon the newly opened DICE Canada who on March 14, 2004, released the game that now is hitting the big 1-0: Battlefield Vietnam.
http://blogs.battlefield.com/2014/03/bf-vietnam-10-year-anniversary/ (http://blogs.battlefield.com/2014/03/bf-vietnam-10-year-anniversary/)