[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community

General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: tig.bf2|JihadJoe on November 29, 2004, 11:00:15 PM

Title: Application for Holy Warrior position as advertised
Post by: tig.bf2|JihadJoe on November 29, 2004, 11:00:15 PM
Howya lads,
A few of you already know me from your server and from back in The Navan. I am Big-Worm's brother and get a bit antsy when you guys are wippin some poor suckers and I can't get in on the action :)

I can't fly but am a fair assault trooper, and sure if I have to, I'll learn. It would be an honour to represent my country, and well, the alternative is NRG. So please let me in, PLEASE :lol:

Anyways, I await your reply.

Good luck against IG.
Title: Application for Holy Warrior position as advertised
Post by: Kayos on November 29, 2004, 11:03:56 PM
Well, well, well what have we here.....

Chunks send this man a PM.
Title: Application for Holy Warrior position as advertised
Post by: [GIT]Fairy on November 29, 2004, 11:16:36 PM
Nice of you to join us.  Welcome.

Title: Application for Holy Warrior position as advertised
Post by: [TiG]the_syco on November 30, 2004, 12:24:36 AM
Aye, I've seen this guy play a good few times.
Title: Re: Application for Holy Warrior position as advertised
Post by: Anonymous on November 30, 2004, 12:59:34 AM
Quote from: JihadJoe

Good luck against IG.

shluuuuurp brownnoser.
Title: Re: Application for Holy Warrior position as advertised
Post by: fightin irish on November 30, 2004, 01:36:06 AM
Quote from: JihadJoe
Howya lads,
A few of you already know me from your server and from back in The Navan. I am Big-Worm's brother and get a bit antsy when you guys are wippin some poor suckers and I can't get in on the action :)

I can't fly but am a fair assault trooper, and sure if I have to, I'll learn. It would be an honour to represent my country, and well, the alternative is NRG. So please let me in, PLEASE :lol:

Anyways, I await your reply.

Good luck against IG.

well jihad nice to know what u really think of us..
sry tiggers i just couldn't resist  :salute:
Title: Re: Application for Holy Warrior position as advertised
Post by: Jackabo82 on November 30, 2004, 01:48:35 AM
Quote from: Anonymous
Quote from: JihadJoe

Good luck against IG.

shluuuuurp brownnoser.

rofl  :D
Title: Application for Holy Warrior position as advertised
Post by: [TiG]Chunks on November 30, 2004, 01:38:07 PM
Pm sent off to you Jihad