[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: GeNeRaL on December 04, 2004, 12:45:45 AM
hey guys can i join tig? i love playing fps games and such games like battlefield vietnam and pretty good in btv . im 17 years old and have been playin online games for around 6 years when i started off with strategy games like age of empires 2 and such games, im from kerry and im not sheepshagger lol, ive got doom 3 but prefer battlefield vietnam cuz its great and doom 3 aint so great multi-player. i just wanna join an irish team for once because ive been playin with americans and british and australian people all my life and wanna team with my own country for once lol.
Np m8y play on our server for a bit,get yourself known with other tig members and bing ba da boom you will have yourself in TiG .
Whats wrong with the english? :lol:
not too much bro lol
Whats wrong with the english? :lol:
If he knew you he would know lol
General...get yourself registered on the site please so I can pm you necessary detail on applications.
i registered
lol, are you sure you started playing Aoe2: AoK when you were 6? That game's only about 4 years old.
AoK when you were 6? That game's only about 4 years old.
It does explain some things...
Though I think he meant he started playing them 6 years ago.
yup you must of understood me, i started 6 years ago it was out around 1998 late 1998 maybe