[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: kdoo12 on January 31, 2014, 01:31:42 AM
Hi gents or ladies,
Keith here, I'm a 23 year old IT student and father who likes to spend a couple of hours gaming in the night time to unwind. Generally a console player but I bought a new rig recently to do my college work so I'v only downloaded DayZ a few days ago. Find it hard to get around as I'm always getting picked apart by teams of 3-6 when near any major towns. Maybe they can't understand my surrender pleas because of my thick Dublin accent. :?: Anyways would love to play a few games with you all and make new friends.
Cheers Keith...
Get yourself a headset and a mic and look at http://www.theirishguard.com/smf/index.php/topic,1853.0.html for the TS channel. Don't worry about the Dub accent; the drunk Nordies will understand ye. Usually have a good few on Friday nights, so hop on and say hi. Couple of them are also fathers.
kdoo jump on fella, you'll not have to worry about groups then. We had a group of 10 on one night, utter mayhem on TS but mighty craic!!
Thanks lads,
Ordered a new headset (turtle beach x12) 2 days ago, It's coming from the UK in the next few days most likely here on Tuesday . Currently I'm using a separate mic and headphones from an old win 98 system I have in the attic. It's rubbish! So I'll jump straight on and get acquainted some time mid next week when the new headset arrives. btw I found the server late last night and added it to my favorites, seen 4 people online at about 2 am which is great.
Cheers Keith....
Yer mic and headphones are fine, just jump on and get to know the guys. I'll be on from early enough this evening I'd say!
should be on too
seen 4 people online at about 2 am which is great.
Cheers Keith....
I setup my radio trap in Cherno and watched between 1am and 2am for a victim to handcuff and burlap sack
...no-one came.
Lucutus this is tonights plan, I shall record the video for evidence!
seen 4 people online at about 2 am which is great.
tigget babies never sleep!
Too late fairy I dumped them in the bin. I'll be on the server for the next few days Lads, just getting to know the map and see if i can lead you all on a wild goose chase and possibly nick your stuff. :-) Expect some shenanigans from myself until I get my headset mid next week.
If you see a "Keith" on the server that's me anyways.
Headset arrived earlier than expected.