[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: Gavdownunder on July 02, 2005, 03:24:55 PM
Hi Folks,
I'm looking to join your clan. I'll see you on the servers anyway, but i'd like to put my 2 pence in as well.
Every server i've been on so far has been filled with a bunch of people all playing at being heroes. Lone f*%kin troopers (with no VoIP). It's random chaos. The TiG server is always very busy, but i think i read somewhere that you guys have another server on the same IP but different port? Is this one private? Is it a little more sane :)
Does your clan use VoIP? are many players using it?
Cheers, see you in Oman.
for some info on the servers > http://www.theirishguard.com/viewtopic.php?t=1502
I believe they use TeamSpeak as they make a sure point that any joining member got it and can use it (meaning you got a mic and speakers..? :p)
yes, the private server is really nice and i believe everyone enjoy playing on it ;)
got some problem sometimes with balancing the team both in numbers and skills (read clanstacking) but there is not all the BS you can find on other servers :D
there is always lone wolves but there is sometimes some nice commander taking care of things, with most of the time 2 to 4 squads more or less filled.
a TIG member should be able to answer your question better though :P
8) TIG Rocks 8)
Nice to know it's not all random chaos out there
still using teamspeak over integrated VoIP???
can a TiG player comfirm this, please. I'll keep reading your forums tho... (cause i'm bored at work)
Yes we still use TS. We have it broken down into alpha, bravo, charlie, echo and so on. But we are experimenting with voip to see which is more effective.