Well, how shall I start..
I was in RSoBB, but decided to leave, and form my own kind of clan.. Unfortunatly, we don't play BFV.
You guys are really the only BFV clan I have talked to on MSN, IRC and played on your server occasionally.
I go by the name Cpt.Cakk, some of you may know me.
On BFV my abilities are generally, I am alright in the air, but think I am better on the ground.
Although I am quite rusty

Haven't played for a week or 2.
My ex-clan decided to leave Vietnam and goto 1942.
If I was allowed in, I would probs play alot more as I have mates to talk to.
I have Teamspeak client, and a microphone... so...
Heres my app!!!
My mate might want to join later.