[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: [TiG]-GAME on October 29, 2004, 11:01:30 PM
Well you know my m8 [TiG]Cpt.Cakk I was in RSoBB with him and left to start the new clan and like him i love to play BFV and you know the rest.
I did come on one of your practice nights and must say you guys made me feel most welcome thanks for that :P
As for my BFV Skills i was one of RSoBB's Chopper pilots and have inproved since then, i have tryed to get on your server over the last few weeks but it always seems to be locked when i get the chance,
So if you are intrested please let me know when if i can try out for your clan i have all the TS stuff etc,
Thanks for your time in reading this
stick around and our resident bum basher chunks will send u a message.Be warned he needs to be well pleased (wink wink nudge nudge)
c u on the battlefield :P
we lock the server for training and clan matches
but sign into IRC channel #tig.ie before u play to c what were doing at that time.
Roite, a pm has been sent to you Game
Thanks Guys
Will see you all on the server was on tonight was good fun
yoyoyo Game.
Velcome, to all that jazz :salute: