Author Topic: Ello from the Cappy  (Read 1310 times)


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Ello from the Cappy
« on: October 17, 2004, 08:11:55 PM »
Well, how shall I start..

I was in RSoBB, but decided to leave, and form my own kind of clan.. Unfortunatly, we don't play BFV.

You guys are really the only BFV clan I have talked to on MSN, IRC and played on your server occasionally.

I go by the name Cpt.Cakk, some of you may know me.

On BFV my abilities are generally, I am alright in the air, but think I am better on the ground.

Although I am quite rusty :P Haven't played for a week or 2.
My ex-clan decided to leave Vietnam and goto 1942.

If I was allowed in, I would probs play alot more as I have mates to talk to.

I have Teamspeak client, and a microphone... so...

Heres my app!!!

My mate might want to join later.


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Ello from the Cappy
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2004, 08:16:23 PM »
our resident recruiters arkangel and chunks will be in touch

until then hop on our server for some games when you see us on our server

and you can get us on TS at


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Ello from the Cappy
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2004, 08:26:28 PM »
right, pm sent off to yopur inbox Cakk