[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: mobies on November 16, 2004, 04:40:26 PM
I was Talking to Cosmonaut at Game con 5 in sandyfors last weekend. He said to give you guys a try.
I have been playing hardcore operation flashpoint untill BFVietnam came out. Looking to join up with a few Irish gamers.
hope to hear from ye soon.
Heyo Mobies,
Yea i do remember a marvellous 4 way BFV match (me & mobies V data & deno). Must have been data who gave u the url, i was way to tired to remember that (mmmm qwerty on my face when i woke up).
Have you logged onto the clan server yet? Theres usually a good few on after 8:00. Check out the IRC channel too.
lo again mobies nice to meet ya check us out in the irc channel on quaknet
#tig.ie , there is usually a few of us in there
otherwise you'll find some of us on the server most nights
pm sent on to you mobies
one day i'm gonna raid someone's inbox to find out about chunks' mysterious "pm"
god only knows what he promises in the name of TiG
Hey Cosmo, Dataisgod ,Chunks
Dataisgod Some guy at Gamecon told me your callsign was amgod and had me all confrussed.
I was asking round who plays battlefield and they recommented youguys.
It was those guys who I was sitting near. I thin they were a clan too but I cant remember what they were called.
any hoo hopefully I can get my ass ingear early enough for a game tomorrow night.
Hope to see yall then.
Lo There Hope 2 see you around m8y
Remember the tip jar on your way through the recruitment station.
Chunks needs dinner this week.
Remember the tip jar on your way through the recruitment station.
Chunks needs dinner this week.
that was a good laugh tonight.
I hadnt played with that many before.
Ill deffo be trying it again.
see yall again soon
Well I suppoise that if I was going to be voted in it would have happened by now.
It was good crack, I think I im getting better.
The first time I played this online was last weekend.
Mabe I need to practice more offline.
Anyway if someone can tell me what im doing wrong please do.....
stick around abit longer we havent got to see u much.
like i said in the Pm i sent to you.....'when you feel the lads know you well enough and you reckon your good enough let me know and i'll start a vote'
can someone give Mobies the pw for our TS chan. I been on a few times and hes been in the public when everyone else is in the private one.
Mobies: if you could try getting onto our irc channel it would be appreciated.
Server: irc.quakenet.eu.org / #tig.ie
If you haven't already got a client to connect to the server download mIRC from www.mirc.com.
ty :salute:
thanks im there.