[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community
General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: {Missile}{Defender} on November 02, 2004, 04:08:05 PM
Hey guys, {Missile}{Defender} here, ansidhe asked me to visit this fourm to for recruitment, so if u's would like me to join could yas email me at Purple_Nine@hotmail.com
We have quite the NI population, you seem to have skills by default.
Chunks is our recruitment officer and he sends out the PMs about joining.
Lo Missile. Enjoyed playing with you the other night, you like to play as a team so that is good.
We'll try and get the server back to BFV soon some night and play through a few maps. Can you join #tig.ie on IRC Quakenet so we can have a chat.
Basically if you play on the server and can manage team play, shouldnt be hard, and you are not a complete noob then you should have no problem joining up. Nice to get some more NI players in.
E-mail sent, but could you get yourself registered on the forums? Much easier that way, cheers
Lo there m8y ,glad 2 see another northerner .cya around bud
lol, sweet, ansidhe, i cant say ive ever used #tig.ie on IRC Quakenet
b4 with any other clan, i added ur msn, so u can mayb explain abit of it there would ya, thanks
yo man.
welcome board
likin the sig.
See http://www.clan-tig.org.uk/irc.php.
i no, made the sig me self, DC rules!
o Ansidhe......u sure that site is rite cuz it comes up page not found
Take out the . thats in the AnSibhe's link.
(http://www.spreadfirefox.com/community/images/affiliates/Buttons/180x60/get.gif) (http://www.spreadfirefox.com/?q=affiliates&id=9631&t=58)
as winty has shown u need to move away from the darkside
Welcome aboard. Watch that Darkireland fella! ;)
Yea he fucks cats.
100% cat fucking.
Yea he fucks cats.
100% cat fucking.
How the fuck did you find that out ? anyway these days iv moved on to horses ....hmm wouldnt mind some horse meat right now yum yum :P
were the fuck u get all those pics that just seem 2 fit the moment? :?
Bah dont use them in here or the ClanGranny's will give off :evil:
i agree. lets all just look at jack's seriously hypnotisin sig...
cough cough.......am i the only 1 here that doesnt get this? :?
get what ? :twitch:
this what? :shock:
What what ?