[TiG] The Irish Guard - UK & Irish PC Gaming Clan & Gaming Community

General Stuff => Recruitment => Topic started by: [TiG]Molc on August 11, 2005, 10:56:23 PM

Title: Interested in Joining
Post by: [TiG]Molc on August 11, 2005, 10:56:23 PM
Location:Limerick, Ireland
Clan experience: None - playing bf2 since release
Where you heard about us: Member - John Drohan
Title: Interested in Joining
Post by: [TiG]MindPhuck on August 22, 2005, 08:09:17 AM
whos this eeeejit anyway?
Title: Interested in Joining
Post by: [TiG]Molc on August 22, 2005, 10:23:30 AM
Lol. I think I'm the one you scream at: "Who the fuck left their position. Why's that fucking tank shooting at me"  "TK'er!!!"

Title: Interested in Joining
Post by: [TiG]KonzulProutek on August 22, 2005, 11:07:30 AM
Hello molc,

sorry but i think you are to mature for TiG.. Good luck finding a clan that fits you..
